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Please Extend a Hearty TIJ Welcome to Ellen Rohr !

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Hi All,

You'll notice a new face on the TIJ landscape today. It's our newest subject matter expert, Ellen Rohr from Bare Bones Biz. Ellen is hosting a new topic area in the business forums section that's entitled Bare Bones Biz Money Making Q & A.

In a nutshell, Ellen teaches people how to understand their business finances and shows them how to make more money by being smarter about how they manage their business costs - something that I think we all probably want to know more about.

You all have heard me say many times that home inspectors fail most often because they simply don't know enough about how to actually run a business. Central to that is the ability to know how to manage one's finances.

Please join me in extending a very hearty TIJ welcome to Ellen for agreeing to help TIJ's members.



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