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Happy Mothers Day

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Last weekend my mother recieved an honorary doctorate in art from Mississippi University for Women (the highest ranked university in the state in academics). I think it actually said "Human Letters", but it was about art.

Dr. Goodman....that has a nice ring to it.

Brian G.

The Art of Mothering Is Underrated [-crzwom][:-propell

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This was my first Mothers Day without my mom. She passed away unexpectedly this past March. I spent the morning in a funk, then I decided to pull myself up by my bootstraps. I called my brother and sister, told them to round up the kids, today would be like all the other Mothers Days. We all went over to my parents house, and I made a big Mothers Day dinner as usual!

Mom may be gone, but she's still with me!!!

-Brad "mamas boy" Manor

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Last weekend my mother recieved an honorary doctorate in art from Mississippi University for Women (the highest ranked university in the state in academics). I think it actually said "Human Letters", but it was about art.

Dr. Goodman....that has a nice ring to it.

Brian G.

The Art of Mothering Is Underrated [-crzwom][:-propell


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