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Reporting on Recalls


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Reporting on recalls is not part of the Standards of Practice, but since most of us go beyond the basic standards, if we are aware of a recall or class action lawsuit and we include it in our report, are we leaving ourselves liable for the ones we don't mention?

I am drawing up a disclaimer for my contract in an attempt to protect myself from this exposure. But I wonder if I'm overdoing it?

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Yeah, you're overdoing it.

Your inspection is supposed to find the significant ($) stuff that concerns those major systems and components in whatever SOP you use. Knowing the details of one or two specific recalls, and being able to pass those on to the client, is only gravy. You aren't expected or required by anyone to be an omnipotent being that possessed the entire body of home inspection knowledge past, present and future.

You can only advise people based on the body of knowledge that you've been able to acquire and retain. You aren't a computer and can't be expected to know ever recall, any more than you can be expected to know every version of every code, every past code, and how every municipality in your area ever accepted various code modifications over the years and those dates.

The more disclaimers you stick in your report or the more convoluted your pre-inspection agreement gets, the more like a weasel you make yourself appear to the client.

Don't want to get sued? Just do the best damned inspection you can for every client, and write the best inspection you can, without concerning yourself with whether or not you're being an "alarmist", or a "deal killer", or "too thorough" or whether you'll lose referrals. Do that, stay the course, and you can put the whole thought of being sued out of your mind.



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I tell em this:


B4U Close Home Inspections does not research product recalls or notices of any kind. A basic home inspection does not include the identification of, or research for, appliances and other items installed in the home that may be recalled or have a consumer safety alert issued about it. Any comments made in the report are regarding well known notices and are provided as a courtesy only. Product recalls and consumer product safety alerts are added almost daily. We recommend visiting the following internet site if recalls are a concern to you. www.cpsc.gov


But nothing says you can't offer a level of service that includes product recalls for the stuff in the home. If you want to do it, do it and charge accordingly.

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Is that because I stole it from you, you stole it from me, or we both stole it from someone else.

It's been in there so dang long I don't remember where I got it from. A lot of my commentary is like that.

One of the joys in participating in the internet message boards. See something you can use. modify it to sound like you, send it out.

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Originally posted by Erby

I tell em this:


B4U Close Home Inspections does not research product recalls or notices of any kind. A basic home inspection does not include the identification of, or research for, appliances and other items installed in the home that may be recalled or have a consumer safety alert issued about it. Any comments made in the report are regarding well known notices and are provided as a courtesy only. Product recalls and consumer product safety alerts are added almost daily. We recommend visiting the following internet site if recalls are a concern to you. www.cpsc.gov


But nothing says you can't offer a level of service that includes product recalls for the stuff in the home. If you want to do it, do it and charge accordingly.

Pardon my jumping in, but you could save a tree by editing the text down to this:

B4U Close Home Inspections does not research or report on product recalls. For information about product recalls, check the Consumer Products Safety Commision's website at: www.cpsc.gov

No real need for all that stuff in the middle...


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