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Is It Tomorrow Yet?

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Man, what a crappy day. It rained all day (again), I can't get the Maxtor to work, my daughters' freshly ex-ed boyfriend came by to boo-hoo, and right at bedtime the 5 year-old threw-up all over his bathroom. Anybody wanna kick me while I'm down? Be my guest.

The good news is, tomorrow has nowhere to go but up.

Brian G.

Momma Told Me There'd Be Days Like This [:-crazy]

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Man, what a crappy day. It rained all day (again), I can't get the Maxtor to work, my daughters' freshly ex-ed boyfriend came by to boo-hoo, and right at bedtime the 5 year-old threw-up all over his bathroom. Anybody wanna kick me while I'm down? Be my guest.

The good news is, tomorrow has nowhere to go but up.

Brian G.

Momma Told Me There'd Be Days Like This [:-crazy]

Well, you probably don't want to hear this right about now, but I think you should enjoy it.

These are the good old days. Tomorrow, that 5 year old will be 18 and on his way to college.

Mine are a little older than your's, but growing up just as fast.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Tuesday, my six and seven year old daughters were rushed to the emergency room, because they ingested the toxic nectar from Carolina Jasmine flowers! They were pretending they were honeysuckles!

Those things have been in my yard for three years, who'd have known. They are similar to hemlock in toxidity, and have been known to kill animals who graze on them. They are even fatal to pollenating bees!

Kids are fine, but we had a good scare. Can't wait to get the double emergency room bill!

Oh yeah, we've had rain here too...

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Yeah George, I had a crappy day. The people in your photos had a freak-show bad day...different thing, I'll stick with crappy.

Chris, I yield to you and your poison scare, way worse than my day. You must've felt the whole world theatening to cave in on you.

Brian G.

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Sign me up for crappy week. My "little" brother (6'/350/54y/o) has been in ICU all week..has had two silent heart attacks and is not a surgical candidate because of weight and diabetis. I have been taking Mom to see him and it was not pretty from Sunday to Thurs. He has shown remarkable progress, but his wood cutting days are over. Wife and I are quitting smoking.

Mom called last night at 11:00 PM...her water heater was leaking. Took me SIX hours to change it today..I had to come home to get the BIG wrenches to break the unions. Then the old tank was so full of gunk it wouldn't drain, so I loaded it on my hand truck and found out the tires are flat. New tank 7" shorter than old, holes in different places and I haven't sweated copper in about 5 yrs. Installed new unions and they stopped leaking after the fourth or fifth tightening....grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I know this is petty compared to sick kids, but I've been there and done that and it's supposed to be easier now, isn't it??

Maybe it's just been our turn in the barrel and Monday will bring sunshine and lollipops to us all.

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Originally posted by rosreservv

Sign me up for crappy week. My "little" brother (6'/350/54y/o) has been in ICU all week..has had two silent heart attacks and is not a surgical candidate because of weight and diabetis. I have been taking Mom to see him and it was not pretty from Sunday to Thurs. He has shown remarkable progress, but his wood cutting days are over.

My best to your brother Bob. This must be hell for your mother. I had an aunt die of cancer 15 years ago. I've never seen my grandmother cry so hard.

Wife and I are quitting smoking.

Excellent decision, good luck. I quit that 1 year after the alcohol, I swear it was worse on me mentally. The obsessing was near-constant for the first few months. I regret having become addicted to smoking far more than to drinking. I had a ton of fun for a long time with my drinking, but cigarettes never did a damn thing for me but take my money and make me stink.

Maybe it's just been our turn in the barrel and Monday will bring sunshine and lollipops to us all.

Let's hope so. There's no doubt, every once in a while life just has to kick you in the teeth, good and hard. I stopped believing in "got it made" years ago. When someone says "So & so's got it made" what I hear them saying is "I don't understand So & so's problems".

Brian G.

Ridin' the Storm Out [:-fight]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as an "other side of the coin" note, business has been so good the last couple of months that I paid off the entire last year of my truck payments Friday. Not a new truck you understand, but still. I love retiring debt. [^]

Brian G.

Yeah Baby, Keep It Coming [:-thumbu]

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