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Homeowner Fires Back At Bushart


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After Jim H. Bushart, Missouri NACHI Chapter President, wrote a series of letters to editors in Missouri opposing a licensing bill there, and in one stated, "House Bill 978 ... needs to be voted down. A home inspector is the only party in a real estate transaction who has no interest or financial gain in a home sale. His report is valued, as unbiased and complete, in that regard", an unhappy homeowner fires back.

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Here is what the fellow said:

"Regarding James H. Bushart's letter in The Examiner on Monday, headlined "Bills would create conflicts of interest" (about home inspectors):

He says, "House Bill 978 ... needs to be voted down. A home inspector is the only party in a real estate transaction who has no interest or financial gain in a home sale. His report is valued, as unbiased and complete, in that regard."

This is complete hogwash. After an inspection by an inspector recommended by the real estate agent, we bought the house now owned.

The "inspector" missed serious roof hail damage that the seller had already claimed and pocketed the money for; (cost us $5,000). He missed rusted-out cast iron sewer pipe, two locations, and a sewer vent line open into the house interior. We were smelling sewer gas and couldn't find where it was coming from until sewage overflowed. The unbiased "inspector" was a valued aide to the real estate agent's and seller's sale.

Is that enough reason for HB 978? Bushart wants to pretend otherwise. His reason is obvious. "

I guess the poor misguided soul thought that having real estate salesmen sitting on a home inspector licensing board, as proposed by the (now dead) HB 978 would make things better.

I did respond to his letter and agreed with everything he said. There is a congressman from the Missouri Legislature who is - right now - studying the Massachusetts law and plans to bring a bill to the next legislature that will outlaw any conflict of interest between RE salesmen and HIs...to include RE salesmen referring particular HIs to their clients.

This will address the concerns of this gentleman much more effectively than HB 978 ever could.

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I look forward to it. maybe now "we" (the good inspectors) will get a fair shot at the market.

As I am in the process of selling our home, we recently had one of our local referred inspectors inspect my home. It didn't take him long to figure out that I am also a HI. He proceeded to tell me how he already had 7 inspections lined up for the week, It was only Monday. I think I would soil myself if I got 10 inspections in a month! Oh and that thing he called a report? what a freakin joke! I can definitely see why he gets so many referrals.

I am sick of the crooks getting all of the work. while the honest, knowledgeable inspectors take it in the ....

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I agree 100% with everything you said David.

This is why I am starting off with an all INTERNET marking campaign and it seems to slowly be working.

Referals from agents should be against the law.

Until they are though, nobody can be blamed for taking advantage of a weakness to win any way they can.

So I can under stand why HI's court agents with out liking the practice.

People need to feed their familys and up to 87% get us from agent referal.

Just can not wait for that to change.

Anyone know the status of the attempt in opening MLS listings to the public.?id="blue">

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