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Illinois Inspectors & Radon Awareness Act

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Hello all,

Here in Illinois there has been a Bill which was passed through our House and now goes in front of our Senate, which will require Realtors to "present" a document outlining the dangers of Radon, and the steps necessary for professional testing and mitigation.

Now, as a new inspector this tells me to get Radon Testing Certification more than ever. When I got my license last year I have always thought I will get the proper certifications for Radon. Now I feel more pressure.

I know recently there was a good thread about Radon, and I don't mean to open old wounds and pour kerosene into it, but I do wonder what other inspectors, not just Illinois inspectors might think about this.


This link is for the press release for those who are interested. (Click on Press release 3/26/07. Bottom right of the page):


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Yeah, the Rn debate has gone full circle. The link you provide didn't work for me - perhaps the site was down momentarily.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with an HI getting into mold, Rn, IR, or anything else so long as the HI meets the following criteria.

1.) Know how to inspect a home and it's systems - i.e., you are a home inspector. You are a home inspector. You are a home inspector.

2.)Truly understand what it is that you offer as a specialty. If it's Rn, then you had better understand half-life, alpha, beta and gamma radiation, daughter products, working levels and measurement devices/methodologies.

NY does not regulate radon measurement providers so long as they don't use continuous monitors, but I would not offer the service until and unless I was appropriately educated (Rutgers University up here. Auburn in the southeast. War Eagle!) I leave the 'worthiness' of Rn testing to the individual. I provide a link at my site so the locals can see that I am qualified. http://www.health.state.ny.us/environmental/radiological/radon/certified_radon_testers/erie_radontesters.htm

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My state as many others, does not require any certifications for radon testing. A person would be a fool not to attain proper training and certifications for performing a radon test.

I did a home inspection last week, I did not get the radon as all of my machines(4) were already in use and this was a quickly scheduled inspection. They found another inspector to do the radon testing. The guy doing the inspection uses canisters. He set his canister on the fireplace mantel(outside wall and flue is open) and placed a second canister on the master bathroom counter. The person doing the radon test is a home inspector who also does mold testing and just about everything else. Funny thing is that he does not do that many home inspections!

I added this to my home inspection report;

When the radon test results come back from the lab they should not be used and should be considered to be unreliable. All protocols were broken for this test. Homes in this area have a history of radon levels over the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L

I have even offered to place one of my CRM's in the house for free. I think the results should be back soon from the lab.

We shall see.

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SUNDAY 4/22/07 1:07pm CDT - IHIA Website is up & running. Their Gnomes might have been up to something this morning.

I have tracked down a synopsis of the act through our general assembly webpage, for those interested: ... egID=30215

I think this is the pamphlet, they want sellers or agents to hand out:

http://www2.state.il.us/idns/pdfs/radon ... %20018.pdf

Kurt - You said you'll have to get reactivated, which I guess you were activated at one time, where did you get certifications, or licensing? Where would you recommend one might go to get not just the license, and certifications, but a good quality lesson on the subject? A few months ago I was looking at Great Lakes Centers - UIC School of Public Health, but nobody returned my calls at that time, and I got side-tracked. But now since this looks like it might become the law of the land, I'm a little more focused.

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Auburn School of Engineering has a good course with testing on the last day.


They offer courses all around the country at various times. Their pricing is hard to beat and in some states it is even subsidized by the state.

They are part of the Regional Radon Training Centers. If they don't have something near you try the EPA site. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/rrtcs.html#murc

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  • 2 weeks later...

I let my license lapse several years ago and do not plan to renew. I use another company that only does radon. They show up at the home inspection, do their thing, I concentrate on my inspecting. I make money off each radon placement with none of the hassles of buying more equipment, calibrations, education etc for radon.

My brain cells are working overtime as it is with just H.I.ing.

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Originally posted by Terence McCann

Quote:Originally posted by kurt

God, I hope it doesn't pass.

Why Kurt?

Basically, what Eric said. I never made any money off radon, and ended up running around a lot for no return.

And, there's no radon in Chicago; in a few thousand tests, I never found any in the city.

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