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Hay Mike,

Just wondering about the TIJ's gnomes. Are they done doing what they're going to do? It seems like we (or at least I) have to bounce around from Active & Recent topics.

Just wondering...

Personal Opinion - Not digging the yellow color, a little blinding (lack of a better word)...

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Uh,...nope. I think they've got some more stuff to do yet. It was a major, major re-write for those guys. As far as keeping up with what's on the board, make sure that you've got the category bar on the recent topics page set for "all categories you have access to" and set the reload bar to have it reload automatically. If you do that, you shouldn't miss anything that's posted while you're away from the computer.

Another way to do it is just to click on 'recent' and then just reset the time bar for however long you've been off the board and it will bring up everything that's been posted since you left.

You don't like the canary yellow? Hmmm? I didn't pick it, but I was personally kind of digging it. It kind of brightened the drab old background color up.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by chicago

Gotta agree with Frank.

To bright icon_speech_no.gif

Have you tried adjusting your monitor's contrast and brightness? Neither the green or the yellow are too intense or bright on my monitor. However, it only takes a couple of taps on the color, contrast and brightness controls to turn it into a LED flashlight blinding me.

OT - OF!!!


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Keep the feedback coming...

I know many of you couldn't care less about the look and feel of the site, but it really was time for a change.

The site is about 5 years old and that's a century in computer terms. We had the choice to update or lose the data. [:-timebm]

It is now very easy to change these colors, so anyone that wants to help can right-click the images, edit or replace (keep size), and then send them to us and I will try them out.

If someone feels that he or she has an eye for this kind of thing, and wants to help, they can. Now we're using style sheets for most of the site. Later, it will be easy to put a style changer on the site as well.

I liked the yellow also. However, it's very, very bright on some LED monitors with low contrast. I have to admit that I didn't have the guts to leave it the first time I tried it, but I couldn't find anything better, so I put it back. I'm glad that most who've responded seem to like it.

Most of the updates are things that we knew weere needed (security) but run in the background. We will probably break a few things while updating. Most of the updating has been completed, though, so do let us know if you notice any glitches.

What's left:

Image uploading and posting improvements and possible file sharing. I will try and make it more firefox friendly without popup forms. We also plan to fix filenames with bad characters.

Timers for the new menu. You may not have noticed that you can click directly on RECENTLY on the menu bar and it will take you directly to Active Topics.

The search on the front page has been re-written also, and the advanced search will follow with the new Google-style navigation.

New tab menu for categories.

More button and toolbar updates.

Cleanup and removal of unnecessary buttons on some pages.

Updating to newer forum navigation styles.

Details, the things we broke and more details...

For Bill: Firefox users increase font size to fill full screen.

We will soon also be updating the Inspector Locator, so tell us what features you want added (schedule, quote, text messaging, photos, search etc.). We're building it now, so don't tell us later.

BTW: In case you didn't know it, the locator page gets hammered daily by visitors and is almost the most used page on the site. If you're not listed you should be. Sorry, we can't tell how much work anyone gets from that feature because we don't track it.

The other thing that we need help with is the categorization and order of categories, forums, links, files and photos. Top-down categorization not bottom-up. We have the content someone please Help!

If you have any suggestions on website or forum improvements please let us know.

Mike said: Have you tried adjusting your monitor's contrast and brightness?
[:-bigeyes you're too funny!

And another thing... its Mike and Rose - not gnomes - or do we need to break out the hay and redneck jokes? [:-cowboy]

Mike and Rose

Peaceniks from Canada!

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Originally posted by admin

Mike said: Have you tried adjusting your monitor's contrast and brightness?
[:-bigeyes you're too funny!

Mike and Rose

Peaceniks from Canada!

What? Like I'm supposed to know how this computer stuff works? That's what I've got you guys for!

(Good job, by the way, you little gnome, you.)

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by admin

What's left:

Image uploading and posting improvements and possible file sharing. ...

Hay thanks for the "Road Construction Ahead" sign. I think you guys are doing a real good jobs here. Your plans sound kind of exciting, I can't wait.

As for the yellow; it seems that a lot of the others like it, so be it. I have no complaints, just not my first choice with the emerald green. To tell you the truth I wouldn't care if there was pink, purple, fuchsia, teal, aqua lavender or any other color in the crayola box, that's not what makes the quality of this site.

I'll let others pick the color, and keep up the good quality work.


PS - A little metallic blue and chrome wouldn't hurt would it? (Just thinking out loud...)

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