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Furnace clearance to closet doors

Chris Bernhardt

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Row of condos built in 2004. Gas furnace and gas water heater in closet and closet has the required combustion air sources.

Problem is with either door open the furnace is partially obstructed and with the doors closed theres less then an inch of clearance and the MII requires three inches.

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I know for a fact that the sellers zoid is going to start squaking saying that the muni passed it and all of them are the same in the other units and no other HI has complained about it before.

To me it is wrong and should be corrected but how hard do I push since no one has apparently caught it yet.

How hazardous is the lack of clearance to the door?

Chris, Oregon

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Why push at all. Just write it up and go onto the next one. Explain it to the client, report it to the client. That's the job. What the client, client's agent, seller and listing agent do from there on out is their business. You've done your job.

You have to learn to write it and then let go. You can't stay married to every inspection. Do the inspection, turn in a truthful report. If the 'zoid gives you a rash of s***t, then tell the 'zoid that you don't him/her how to sell real estate, so what gives him/her the idea that it's alright to tell you how to inspect homes.

OT - OF!!!


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How hazardous is the lack of clearance to the door?

I doubt the door is going to burst into flames but (big but) I sure would want to be on record in case it did!

The other issue is that the combustion air is also partially blocked. With an induced draft frunace, again probably not a big deal but it's clearly wrong as clearly spelled out by the manufacturer.

I know for a fact that the sellers zoid is going to start squaking saying that the muni passed it and all of them are the same in the other units and no other HI has complained about it before.

To me it is wrong and should be corrected but how hard do I push since no one has apparently caught it yet.

My response to the seller's "zoid" would be along the lines of..."I'm reporting this because any competant inspector would, and that includes the guy likely to follow me when my client sells the home down the road."

As for how hard to push, simply report it as a safety concern in need of repair. No pushing required.

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