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Any reviews?


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Since the "Hansen" book is so commonly used as the HI Gold-Standard, has anyone compared the previous edition to the latest one (after the 2001, 2005 ed.)? It is in print, right?

I have the previous edition and am interested in whether there is enough of a difference to warrant the $$$. If you have both, tell me what ya think. (If you have neither, why the hell not?)


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Since the "Hansen" book is so commonly used as the HI Gold-Standard, has anyone compared the previous edition to the latest one???

I have the previous edition and am interested in whether there is enough of a difference to warrant the $$$. If you have both, tell me what ya think. (If you have neither, why the hell not?)

I have the old one and a newer one. The newer one is a solid notch better than the old one.

However, I believe that there's a "newest" one that I don't have. Or it could be the same book that's just been re-packaged. I don't really know.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Don't expect ya do.[:D] Is there another one that is targeted to the HI?

Hansen's taught me a lot, but I can always learn more. (Of course I also have to open my eyes and see all the busses in the panel[:-banghea)

Originally posted by PAbernathy

Ahhh....I don't have either....;)

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