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In older construction it is not uncommon to find screw-shell lampholders with incandescent bulbs in closets.

How long have they been prohibited?

More important can one just install a fluorescent bulb in place of the incandescent as long as it has 6" of clearance?

Chris, Oregon

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At least the pull appears non-conductive.

however the biggest issue is heat and breakage.

Carson Dunlop Home Reference Book seems to prefer they be above the door,which does not seem applicable here.

Personally I would take out the bulb and check polarity for safety.Then recommend a more flush out of the way style fixture.LEDs produce no heat whatsoever and have come down to a reasonable price.Dam! I"M STARTING TO GET LONG WINDED AS YOU GUYS.I probably look like my dog to.


Yes that was exactly what I was wondering if one could simply replace the incandescent bulb with one of those new fandagled spiral type fluorescent bulbs and make what was otherwise non-complying now complying?

Chris, Oregon


Going to bed Chris however I seem to recall they have traces of mercury plus they break easy.So energy efficient or not Paul's idea may be the best choice.[:-bigmouth let that be my yawn.My chapter president recommend Home gauge and I have playing with it all evening.I like way it lets you customize photo downloads.

Originally posted by Chris Bernhardt

Yes that was exactly what I was wondering if one could simply replace the incandescent bulb with one of those new fandagled spiral type fluorescent bulbs and make what was otherwise non-complying now complying?

Chris, Oregon

I agree with Paul. Recommend they swap it out for a fluorescent fixture. A compact fluorescent lamp is only safe till it burns out; then someone might forget why it's there and stick a 100w light bulb back in.

Realtors love to tell people that they just need to screw in a CFL. That's reason enough to avoid the practice.

- Jim in Oregon


That's a very good point. Time to change my ways.

Originally posted by Jim Katen

I agree with Paul. Recommend they swap it out for a fluorescent fixture. A compact fluorescent lamp is only safe till it burns out; then someone might forget why it's there and stick a 100w light bulb back in.

Realtors love to tell people that they just need to screw in a CFL. That's reason enough to avoid the practice.

- Jim in Oregon

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