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Inspector Breaks His Back in Ladder Accident

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Because many fellow inspector have supported me in difficult times I thought I'd share this with you. You all know who you are. Thanks

I was not asked to make this post but felt inclined to do just that for the benefit of a fellow inspector who fell off his ladder and fractured 2 vertebrae. Any help would be appreciated I'm sure.

Please work safe!

Hello Everyone,

Nick has asked if I would give everyone an update. First I would like to thank everyone who called, emailed, or sent donations. I am truly thankful for this and it means more than you know. I am thankful for NACHI for being there for me from the start of my inspection career until now. I feel there is not a better or more caring organization in the world this is something we can all be proud of. Nick is a class act and is willing to lend assistance when needed.

I am doing well considering the circumstance. I am experiencing major pain. It is most difficult at night (no sleep). I am thankful to be alive, to be able to hug my wife and 2 boys. I broke 2 vertebrae, bruised muscles, and some scraps on my legs and nose. The Doctors expect a full recovery. It may be several months before I can inspect again, and yes I do plan on inspecting again!

This unfortunate accident made me realize that yes it can happen to anyone no matter how well you prepare or how cautious you are. There is a big risk we take every time we inspect a building ( especially for those who use ladders and walk roofs).

I plan on uploading pictures of the accident and my injuries for those who are interested. I will try and put a link in here in the next few days. I will give regular updates for those interested as well.

Thanks again,

Ray Thoroman

Superior Home Inspections

Gainesville, GA www.choosesuperiorinspection.com

Donations: http://www.choosesuperiorinspection.com/payments.asp

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That's a good point Gary. The above is a post Mr. Thoroman made to other members of his association on their bulletin board. He took the opportunity to thank and praise his association and fellow members. You can't fault him for that.

He's hurt - that's a fact - and this thread needs to focus on that fact and nothing else. I can personally testify to the kind of pain he's experiencing, because I broke 4 vertebrae in a car accident many years ago. Back pain like that wears you down physically and emotionally. There's almost nothing he'll be able to do for a while without being in agony. I also know how difficult being out of work is going to be for him. I went off a roof nearly 7 years ago, punctured my lung, broke 5 ribs, nearly died and was unable to work for months. By the time I was able to work again, I was financially ruined and I'm still digging myself out of that hole.

So, if anyone would care to help Ray by contributing to the recovery fund listed above, please do so, but please, People, don't make his misery any worse by getting off-topic and commenting about any organizational affiliations he has or people associated with such. If you can, send him a card to wish him a speedy recovery and show him that home inspectors care about one another.



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