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For those that like a quality cup of coffee

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O'Handley told me he used to swill instant coffee powder washed down w/canteen water when he was in the field, just so's he could get his caffeine hit.

Tassimo is pretty cool, although I don't like being roped into only using their coffee product. It's good, but variation is nice.

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That's true. Used to save the coffee packs from the rations, trade the junk I didn't want for more packets from those who didn't want them, and even made sure I picked up plenty of boxes of instant coffee packets when I was drawing rations from the mess halls for field training missions.

Might be on the go and not have time to stop, so I'd open one end of a packet, dump the contents in my mouth and wash it down with a mouthful of water.

It would take about two minutes to kick in and I'd be good to go for another few hours. It was especially good for long nights on missions, for staying awake in boring briefings (Excuse me, I need to step out for a drink of water.) and for satisfying that need for the caffeine fix first thing in the morning when the nearest coffee is all the way down at the mess tent or requires firing up a butane stove and then heating a canteen cup full of water just to get one measly cup. It's an acquired taste. [:D]

I liked the Tassimo too, but went with the Senseo instead. They've got more flavors than the 3 basic blends and the non-caffeine now and other companies are making pods to fit their machine.

My favorite Christmas and Birthday presents are Starbucks gift cards. Hint, hint.

That brings up a question. Are there latte stands of every variety every 1/4 mile, and Starbucks every half mile, in other cities, or is it just Seattle?



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ya, the coffee was that bad.

We never called it coffee - it was a hot beverage.

Mike, I knew a guy that chewed the grounds from the mess tent. Tall skinny guy from Tennessee that never drank coffee. That was in the days of C rats. Also, how many times did you burn your lips on the canteen cup?

These days, I am strictly a four cup drip, with Folger's columbian, guy. My secret is heating the maker before pouring in the water; slams a blast of steam into grounds! Never drink coffee older than 15minutes as a gift to myself after being poor most of my life and military service hot beverage experience.

Here in Lansing Mi, we have a Beaner's on every vacant lot.

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Years past it was the "7-11" on almost every corner. Now it is "Starbucks".

I find myself giving and getting directions via Starbucks at the NW intersection of this and that street.

Also know when I'm stopping by far too many times when the guy or lady behind the machine almost has my drink made by the time I reach the counter ...having seen me walk in from the car.

That being said ... I'm off to an inspection and will stop by Starbucks for a latte enroute.

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Originally posted by hausdok


That's true. Used to save the coffee packs from the rations, trade the junk I didn't want for more packets from those who didn't want them, and even made sure I picked up plenty of boxes of instant coffee packets when I was drawing rations from the mess halls for field training missions.

Might be on the go and not have time to stop, so I'd open one end of a packet, dump the contents in my mouth and wash it down with a mouthful of water.

It would take about two minutes to kick in and I'd be good to go for another few hours. It was especially good for long nights on missions, for staying awake in boring briefings (Excuse me, I need to step out for a drink of water.) and for satisfying that need for the caffeine fix first thing in the morning when the nearest coffee is all the way down at the mess tent or requires firing up a butane stove and then heating a canteen cup full of water just to get one measly cup. It's an acquired taste. [:D]

I liked the Tassimo too, but went with the Senseo instead. They've got more flavors than the 3 basic blends and the non-caffeine now and other companies are making pods to fit their machine.

My favorite Christmas and Birthday presents are Starbucks gift cards. Hint, hint.

That brings up a question. Are there latte stands of every variety every 1/4 mile, and Starbucks every half mile, in other cities, or is it just Seattle?



Mike, I used to do pretty much the same thing but I mad it a Mocha whenever I could, I'd keep the Cocoa Powder, or what ever it really was, and the coffee packs, I'd put a bunch of cocoa in my mouth followed by the coffee and water, swish it around a few times, and swallow it down, that way I got my surgar rush to, at night I'd have to take the Beechnut Chew out of my mouth, an the mix would have a chocolate/coffee/licorise taste, I only chewed in the field and at night....Light Disipline, I also had one canteen that I would fill with coffee and carry it around until it tasted like OD green plastic, which was an improvement from the mess hall/

I saw one of those One Cup machines at Xmas, it came with all those little packs of flavors, but it also had an adaptor so that you could use your own coffee, I almost bought it, but now I can't remember the brand.


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Originally posted by Scottpat

We have a Bunn coffee maker. Great coffee in three minutes. We have one of those pod coffee makers that we never use, its too simple to make a pot of coffee with the Bunn.

I just threw away my Bunn, after 8 years it started leaking, we'll be getting another, but for now I'm using a $1200 Espresso Machine I won a few years ago, I need to get another Bunn so I'll have something to drink while I'm making my Latte's in the morning. Its a nice machine, I can make a Quad all at one time

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We used to have a Starbucks coffee maker because it was the only one I could find that got the water hot enough. The pump went out a few months ago and I started using a press until I could get another.

I really like the press and will probably not go back to another type.

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I met the press pot in the UK in the early 80s. There will never be a better method of brewing coffee. Grind beans fresh for each brew, hold a long steep time and plunger down hard to press out the oils. Just the right amount of grounds sneak through.

The only problem -- some studies have found that drinking coffee from the French press method increases LDL (bad cholesterol).

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