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Do Contractors need web sites?

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I have created this post because I need some questions answered by Contractors. I am actually a web designer, but many of my friends and family are builders. They ask me for web sites and I noticed they all ask for the same things (i.e. Home Page, About Us, Services, Contact, Photo Gallery).

My question is: Do Contractors really need web sites?

The reason I'm asking is because I am in the process of creating a web tool to make it as easy to create a web page as it is to write an email. This way it will be a lot cheaper and easier to have a web site and manage it.

I am hoping people will be willing to give me some feedback on this idea and take my survey. The survey is 10 quick questions, but I welcome more of your thoughts! =)

The survey is at: http://www.BuilderTown.com/InspectorsJournal_s

If you are willing to give me more info or have any questions, please email me at: ray@BuilderTown.com

Sincere Regards,


Ray Hayward




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Hi Joe,

Thank you for reading my post. I am looking to see if this is something that would be useful to builders. I need feedback becuase it's going to take me a solid 6-9 months to build. A few of my buddies asked me for web sites and they pretty much asked for the same features, I told them this idea I had and of course they are going to tell me it is great becuase they are my friends. So, I've just been trying to get some thoughts from the real world. =)

Kind Regards,


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Hi Ray:

It just struck me as pretty odd that a web site designer would ask: Do Contractors really need web sites? That's kind of like a home inspector going on a realtor message board and asking if home buyers really need an inspection.

You may be trying to reinvent the wheel. I'm sure that you're aware that there are a number of companies that market do it yourself template based web sites, with prices lower than what I assume your target price $19.99 is. Maybe you're planning on templates customized toward contractors? That might be a good angle to give you an edge.

I checked out some of the sites in your portfolio. You definitely have a flair for design. You should check those links. The domain name for MillionDollarBoston.com has expired.

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Thanks for the feedback and checking out my site! =) Much appreciated.

I see your point, that wasn't my intent ... maybe in 6-9 months! =P

Yes, we have looked at other companies who create web building tools, there a couple good tools out there but we are hoping to make something a little better and easier to use that we've seen. We do plan to focus on Contractor's exclusively. Eventually, we hope to make it a community based site as we plan to offer more than web sites to contractors. We have a lot of ideas but realize we need to start with one and implement others over time.

And thanks for the heads up on MillionDollarBoston.com, that is now fixed.

Here is another I am in the process of creating if you are interested in seeing it: http://www.drlweb.com/cs

Take Care.


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