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Hmmmm, maybe this time.....

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Thanks to Tom Delay and Texas Republican legislature's redistricting mess, Austin no longer has a single rep in the US Congress. Austin is divided into three districts that extend to the Rio Grande Valley, or Houston, or West Texas. There is not a single Democrat running for Congress from my new 10th District. Austin is Texas most liberal city and the legislature has gerrymandered it out of State and Congressional representation.

Now I'm normally a fairly conservative guy and have voted for lots of Republicans in the past, but these shenanigans have me a tad upset. I wonder if the Republicans have ever heard of "backlash." I am finding new appreciation for the term "yellow dog Democrat."

Sorry, the mention of politics just set me off today.

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Originally posted by Norm

Hey Folks,

Can I run for Pres. on the Home Inspector Ticket?

Norm Sage

I think Norm is a safe bet; better than the current choices anyway.

Paul, I was speaking stricly tongue in cheek; I'm about as apolitical as one gets. They're all nuts.

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