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Happy New Year

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Hi Larry,

Thanks, that's always nice to hear, but it's you guys that make TIJ what it is. It's all about being willing to freely share information and help others. Without the cooperation of every one of the folks who come here, we'd just be a stagnant website.



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Ditto what Hoyt said!!!

You did hurt my feelings, however, with your recent post about letting your hair down. God, I wish I still had hair to let down[:-party]

Originally posted by hoytt


You have done, and continue to do, a great job. This has become an incredible resource and has certainly eclipsed the organized inspection organization counterparts!!

Thank you !!

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Gee Gary,

I'm sorry about that. I assure you, it certainly wasn't intentional. After all, baldness runs in my family and whenever my younger brothers and I hook up the first five or ten minutes the conversation usually swings around who's lost the most hair since we saw each other last. My Dad? He's the comeover king. At least he used to be, until Donald Trump came along.

I'd shave it all off instead of enduring the wait, except for the fact that when myself and my whole platoon did that before deploying to Desert Storm, my platoon leader said that the number of scars that that little bit of hair was hiding was scary, and I looked like something out of a horror movie without a hat on.



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Desert Storm? You must be a kid - plenty of time left to lose that hair. I was a latter part of Viet Nam enlistee myself.

Keep up the great work, Mike!

And like the incredibly cool guy who started this thread says, "Happy New Year!"

Originally posted by hausdok

Gee Gary,

I'm sorry about that. I assure you, it certainly wasn't intentional. After all, baldness runs in my family and whenever my younger brothers and I hook up the first five or ten minutes the conversation usually swings around who's lost the most hair since we saw each other last. My Dad? He's the comeover king. At least he used to be, until Donald Trump came along.

I'd shave it all off instead of enduring the wait, except for the fact that when myself and my whole platoon did that before deploying to Desert Storm, my platoon leader said that the number of scars that that little bit of hair was hiding was scary, and I looked like something out of a horror movie without a hat on.



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Originally posted by chrisprickett

Just to really get the New Year's drinking off to an early start, here's a little steamy bubblebath action for your pleasure:

Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif CP New years.jpg

116.61 KB

Warga, please control yourself. I have an autographed copy just for you!

Hoo-Fah....[:-crazy] reminds me of something from Monty Python...

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Just to really get the New Year's drinking off to an early start, here's a little steamy bubblebath action for your pleasure:

Download Attachment: CP New years.jpg

116.61 KB

I think Chris had a few early drinks and didn't realize he was posting to TIJ.

Don't worry Chris, I uploaded your pic, where I think you intended to post it at http://www.gayfriendfinder.com, under "BubblyArizonaCowboy". [:-cowboy]

No need to thank me. I just feel good that I might help mitigate some of your loneliness in '07. [:-slaphap

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I think Chris had a few early drinks and didn't realize he was posting to TIJ.

Don't worry Chris, I uploaded your pic, where I think you intended to post it at http://www.gayfriendfinder.com, under "BubblyArizonaCowboy". [:-cowboy]

No need to thank me. I just feel good that I might help mitigate some of your loneliness in '07. [:-slaphap

Thanks Bill, but homey don't play that way[:-yuck] I'm sure someone will apreciate the link to your homepage, though.

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You two are a riot!

Chris, you've got more b***s than I've got, posting that photo. Did you send that out as a Christmas/New Year's card this year? If you did, I bet there was a lot of milk blown out of noses when they clicked on that link, 'cuz I'm still trying to get the coffee out of my nasal cavity. [:-slaphap



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Originally posted by hausdok

You two are a riot!

Chris, you've got more b***s than I've got, posting that photo. Did you send that out as a Christmas/New Year's card this year? If you did, I bet there was a lot of milk blown out of noses when they clicked on that link, 'cuz I'm still trying to get the coffee out of my nasal cavity. [:-slaphap



Believe it or not, that was the CENTERFOLD of the local magazine for which I write a weekly column! I did an piece on "retro-resolutions" (i.e. things I've accomplished rather than looking ahead) and they decided to make it the theme of their New Year's edition.

Those who know me understand that I'm a shameless publicity whore. But hey, it pays the bills...

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Happy New Year to all from me as well.

For all of you fellow devout Bourbon lovers, I recommend that you get your hands on a bottle of Eagle Rare. It's a VERY pleasant surprise. Right up there with the best.

Well, back to my Wintertime diversion, snowboarding.

Best wishes to all!

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Originally posted by Brad Manor


Hearing that made me feel a pang of jealousy, then i remembered that I live walking distance to the Hiram Walker distillery!

Canadian Club anyone??


We used to drink CC, from a metal Army canteen, when I was in H.S. To this very day, the thought of it makes me want to hurl!

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When I was in high school we'd fill up empty aspirin bottles with whatever was lying around and be wasted by 6th period. It could have been the worst rotgut in the world and we'd drink it. Finally got caught though. I got so completely wasted I threatened to kick a teacher in the groin. Ended up suspended for two weeks. That was the least of it. My old man took a much dimmer view. Ouch!

I don't think there are any distilleries near me. Just some vintners and one or two gourmet soda-pop companies - one of them with the biggest variety of brands/flavors on the planet. Doesn't matter anyway, I quit drinking in January '73.

OT - OF!!!


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"I've got about 15,000 barrels of Maker's Mark within about 75 miles of me".

Thanks for that link Erby. I have added that tour to my list of things I must do. You, Bain and I can team up and inspect the collection of historic buildings at their distillery.

"We used to drink CC, from a metal Army canteen, when I was in H.S. To this very day, the thought of it makes me want to hurl!"

Me too, when I think about drinking anything that is "blended" with pure ethanol.

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HAHA - now I know your opinions on Canadian Club ( granted I'm partial to the stuff having grown up and spent most of my adult life around Hiram Walker & Sons ). If you guys want a real treat, provided you like Canadian rye whisky (and many bourbon men don't!), try a bottle of Forty Creek Barrel. It's among the finest small batch whiskys around.

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