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It says I don't have an account

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Mike (and everyone else),

When I go to the "Resources" list, it displays my name, but it says I don't have an account. Is that right? Am I supposed to have an account? I'm automatically logged in when I visit TIJ, so I guess that makes me think I DO have an account.

I'm misunderstanding something, I think. [:-sick]

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Hi Konrad,

Okay, I think I figured it out. It is just telling you that you don't have a personal file set up to post stuff into.

You can still view the files that are there. Just click on the magnifying glass over on the right side and then click on the file name you want to look at. It will provide a list of the files under that person's name and you can click on those to open them up. The photo albums work basically the same way.

We're still trying to figure out whether we're going to give everyone files/albums here or not. The initial plan was to do so, but then the question of bandwidth and speed of the site came into play.

Since there doesn't seem to be a huge demand for either, I'm giving people albums and a file area as they request it.



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Konrad - I was shocked these folks haven't set you with an account yet. Disgusting. For Konrad or anybody else without accounts PLEASE call my office ASAP and give us your M/C and Visa card numbers (all of them) and we'll set you up an account with us. Please include your credit cards $$$ limit also.

From The Caymans (no extradition treaty)


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When you visit your local zoo, you are not supposed to lick the back of those green South-American tree frogs, because they secrete an LSD-like substance.

Please float over to your local doctor's office and explain that you're on a frog trip so he or she can give you the proper meds.

OT - OF!!!


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The mega-lattery was at $122 Million here last night. I heard on the way home tonight that it's up to $130. Million now. Dang! I think I'll spend a dollar for one of those tickets. Makes more sense than blowing $1. on a $1. Million ticket - you get more more pipe dream for your money.

OT - OF!!!


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