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wall to roof flashing detail

Chris Bernhardt

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Worst of all, you never explained what the problem is. You never said, "There are gaps in the siding that can leak."

- Jim Katen, Oregon


That's what hung me on a job several years ago. 120 year old house needed total renovation. I went on for pages talking about how all the plaster would need to be torn out, new wiring/plumbing/heating, beware of lead paint, structural repairs, there's asbestos, this is going to be a monster job, etc., etc.... Nowhere did I ever state "the plaster is cracked, deteriorated, and in horrible condition."

So, I get the lawsuit 18 months later for "deteriorated plaster". Cost me my deductible. Coulda fought it, but cheaper to simply pay. The presiding judge asked, "why didn't you just tell the guy the plaster was a mess? I'd have thrown the case out."

I sheepishly admitted I was a moron. I tell folks stuff really, really simply now.

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Well thats the way I am feeling now. The advice first set off a few 60 watt bulbs and then later when I was reviewing what I had written at a reinspection I was performing those 60 watters grue into arc lamps and that knot in my stomach tigtened up, you know the one you get when you receive a demand letter from a client or his lawyer.

Just about every item that the seller waffled on was due to some dumbass consesion statement I had in the narrative. I have been humbled. I know its been said over and over again "state whats wrong" but like kurt said its funny how we can go on and on and never say that.


Chris, Oregon

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