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The Future

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Your pride in your work and your sense of commitment are evident, and commendable. I like to think that I have a similar value set.

My take is, that there are always going to be really good inspectors, really bad inspectors, and a whole rainbow of in-betweens. It's the same way in every profession. As a contractor for 20 years, I fought the "dirt-bag" stereotype almost everyday. It took almost 10 years to establish my company as not just another "rip-off contractor".

As our industry grows, there will be many opportunities for quick-buck artists to cash in. Heck, look around, they're already doing it. It's MY job to do MY best, and I'll sleep well at night. I can't lose sleep over the inspectors who rip off the public. They will alway be there, no matter what I do or say.

I try to lead by example, it's up to each individual to decide if they'll follow.

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I believe completely in what George sez.

Since 1978, yes 1978, I have offered the finest in home inspection services. Yes, brother George, I was inspecting homes when you had probably not yet heard of the process. I was the first registered business performing home inspections in West Michigan, maybe all of Michigan. Look it up in the DBA's of Kalamazoo, MI. (Ok, bring up the music slowly)

I was the one placing my life on the line, taking the rude rebukes of those diabolical realtors. I paved the way w/ the first use of CO testing (I was using Draeger tubes in 1981), paved the way w/ the computer use on site (I had a Apple Powerbook 100 in 1990), & paved the way by keeping my affiiliations w/ realtors seperate (they all hate me anyhow). I was performing 3+ hour inspections in 1985. Yes, brothers sisters, I was out of the chute while George was still figuring out what to do w/his life.

(Bring up the music....." mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord...")

It was my example of excellent inspections, forthright ethics, & meticulous Standards of Practice that allowed people like George to rise up, find themselves, & declare themselves free of the bondage of, of, of.... Oh, the bondage of something. And to create a legacy, not just be in business, but to create a LEGACY.

(Bring up the music full now...)

Why, old George has already eschewed the legacy that was left him by someone in the trenches while he was still cutting hizzelf on old sheetmetal. Old George imagines hizzelf to be the keeper of the flame. Old George, well, George needs something to grab hold of, & more power to him.

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Originally posted by Kurt

I believe completely in what George sez.

Since 1978, yes 1978, I have offered the finest in home inspection services. Yes, brother George, I was inspecting homes when you had probably not yet heard of the process. I was the first registered business performing home inspections in West Michigan, maybe all of Michigan. Look it up in the DBA's of Kalamazoo, MI. (Ok, bring up the music slowly)

I was the one placing my life on the line, taking the rude rebukes of those diabolical realtors. I paved the way w/ the first use of CO testing (I was using Draeger tubes in 1981), paved the way w/ the computer use on site (I had a Apple Powerbook 100 in 1990), & paved the way by keeping my affiiliations w/ realtors seperate (they all hate me anyhow). I was performing 3+ hour inspections in 1985. Yes, brothers sisters, I was out of the chute while George was still figuring out what to do w/his life.

(Bring up the music....." mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord...")

It was my example of excellent inspections, forthright ethics, & meticulous Standards of Practice that allowed people like George to rise up, find themselves, & declare themselves free of the bondage of, of, of.... Oh, the bondage of something. And to create a legacy, not just be in business, but to create a LEGACY.

(Bring up the music full now...)

Why, old George has already eschewed the legacy that was left him by someone in the trenches while he was still cutting hizzelf on old sheetmetal. Old George imagines hizzelf to be the keeper of the flame. Old George, well, George needs something to grab hold of, & more power to him.

That was really a great history lesson. And I'm sure you made George fell good about himself.

I'm sure the other Kurt will post that he be sorry and he just lost his temper again and meant nothing against George and would buy him a brew.

Fade to black


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Try this; some time in the next month, find a person that is trying to break into the business. Without a non-compete agreement or any other ulterior motive, take the guy on an inspection or two. See if you don't come away with a little different outlook on your duties and responsibilities to wards what we do for a living.

There are other ways also.

I answer calls from other inspectors all the time, (I am not afraid to call another sometimes either)and I answer any questions I can.

Our state has Inspector certification(Licensing) in order for an inspector to get certified they need to submit 5 reports to the Board of technical registration (BTR). The BTR sends me 15 reports a week to review. the inspector candidates don't know who I am but I can review their reports to make sure they meet the minimum standards. (Typically 1 of the three inspectors whose reports I review meets the standard. This helps the other 2 inspectors figure out where they need to change.

Does this take allot of my time? YES.

Is it needed to help raise the quality of inspectors and their reports in this area? Yes.

Do I benefit from it?

I read some things that are worded better than what I write, so I learn from it also.

Help those around that is what this place is all about. Now I am going to help myself to a beer, where's the bartender anyway

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