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Wouldn't you know it, just when you think you have all of your disclaimers spelled out, something else for a home inspector to worry about pops up. Perhaps some of you also saw this on the news.

It seems as though it is not a good idea to store the .357 in the oven. If a wife forgets and decides to pre-heat the oven, the round chambered will end up next door and the other 5 just tear the hell out of your revolver.

I am still trying to figure out exactly how to word this in my report, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Yeah, back in the mid 80's they warned us about carrying loose rounds in our pockets at the same time we were carrying a Motorola walkie-talkie in the same pocket.

Seems that when the round touch both of the charging lugs on the bottom of the rechargeable battery just right, they'd short out the battery, heat up and cook off. One fellow was hurt pretty bad by it.

Given the close proximity of a pocket to one's groin, we all got out of that habit really fast.



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I looked @ a property about 5 months ago in Lake Forest. The seller had, as a decorative effect in every room, a loaded silver pearl handled Smith & Wesson .357 revolver. In the BR's, it was delicately placed on the table by the bedside.

Does Martha Stewart have anything about proper placement of handguns in her books?

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Kurt - About 4-5 years ago, I was in Chicago for an ASHI BOD Meeting and decided to come in 2 days early to ride with some of the GLC crowd.

Went on a 203K inspection in south chicago and everybody on the job but me was heeled. The realestator, the appraiser, the contractor and the inspector. Made me get all choked up inside thinking about the good old days at Khe Sahn.

It also made me realize it wasn't healthy to dispute Chicago Inspectors (except Chuckie).

Dan Bowers

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Originally posted by DLRambo

Kurt - About 4-5 years ago, I was in Chicago for an ASHI BOD Meeting and decided to come in 2 days early to ride with some of the GLC crowd.

Went on a 203K inspection in south chicago and everybody on the job but me was heeled. The realestator, the appraiser, the contractor and the inspector. Made me get all choked up inside thinking about the good old days at Khe Sahn.

It also made me realize it wasn't healthy to dispute Chicago Inspectors (except Chuckie).

Dan Bowers

Been there, although in my case, it was an off duty cop hired to hang around as encouragement that everyone play nice. Kind of gives a little indication that we got life pretty easy compared to many.

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Yikes! You guys are brave. If I thought I'd need a gun on inspection, I think I'd refer that client to a competitor.

I know, I'd like to. There are law firms downtown who have big shot clients who also happen to be big pig slumlords, who also happen to want building inspections. When I get a referral for one of these, I just have to hunker down & do it.

It's one of those things I don't enjoy, but I value the experience. I wish I could march folks through these inner city hellholes; it would put a face on what the brothers are talking about.

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I did an inspection of a very old abandoned home about 4 years ago. The house was loaded with snake skins and my customer paid me extra to bring 2 of my pistols loaded with snake shot.

Luckily we did not see any live snakes during the inspection, because I would have shot the place up. I hate snakes! He did not buy the proeprty because his wife refused to live in a house full of snakes.

Tom Barber in VA

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Originally posted by Tom Barber

I did an inspection of a very old abandoned home about 4 years ago. The house was loaded with snake skins and my customer paid me extra to bring 2 of my pistols loaded with snake shot.

Tom Barber in VA

Wow. In MA, they just leave their card on the kitchen counter-and despite Dennis' lobbying, it's illegal to shoot 'em for sport.

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