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Has anyone tried the TPI 775 gas/co detector.


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I just tring to get some tools as a newbie. Just wondering about this meter since it does both gas and co. instead of have 2 meters.(1 gas & 1 co detector). That meter is $300.00. It's 2 in one. just curious has anyone tried it yet. If not then I would have to spend more money and go w/ the Bacharach Jr for gas and the UEI C071. These is pushing $400.00 for both.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the TPI775 in addition to a Tiff 8800 and Tiff 8800A. I have not had any problems with the TPI, but have found that I don't use it as much as I thought I would. The flamable gas detection head is much bigger than the Tiff and therefore remains farther away from the pipe/fittings, but it does work. Plus, the CO detector is built into the back of the body, not on the wand as one would think. If I had it to do over, I probably would have bought the Bacarach (??spelling??)and added it to the Tiff. I guess that if I didn't have the Tiff, I would use the TPI exclusively. One caution, since it has a push button power switch, it does hav a tendancy of turning itself on. Always carry extra batteries.

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Don't waste you money on a gas detector. I as most inspectors who have been doing this for awhile have ours sitting on a shelf. Use the one on the front of your face. Plumbers putty will set off a gas detector so will bad breath and if you have lunch at Ponchos Buffet, it will be useless.

Just my two cents.

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I do use the gas detector occasionally when I smell gas but can't figure where it is coming from, spray stuff actually works just as well or better. When I started out, I bought a Tiff with the understanding that it detected CO. It does, in very high concentrations, it detects any carbon based gas but doesn't tell you what it is detecting. I don't know about the 775 but don't get fooled.

My feeling about gas detectors is the smaller the better. Anything big will end up collecting dust in the truck.

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  • 5 months later...

My Tiff has not been relegated to the shelf yet. It's faster than my nose and reaches pipes better. If I have a question about a leak I use Sherlock Leak Detector, same solution our local utility uses. If the leak will not cause bubbles to form the gas company will not take issue with it. Regardless of how much the meter screams.

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