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CO Alarms Mandatory in State of ILL


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Illinois Public Act 094-0741

Illinois residents and HVAC companies and service techs that perform work in Illinois be advised that House Bill 5284 requiring the installation of carbon monoxide alarms was signed by Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and goes into effect January 1, 2007.

Full text of the law is viewable at http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publ...F/094-0741.pdf

Many will decry that the law does not go far enough and others will decry the intrusion of government into our lives. So be it.

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Yes it is a good idea, I have always put a recommendation in my reports if their isn't one in the home.

However this is still Illinois, and anybody familiar with Illinois politics can wonder if Governor Rod Blagojevich, has a relative in the Carbon Monoxide Detector business.

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