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Insurance need help!


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Good Day to Everybody,

Kindly help me. I bought a house last January. I bought it from a good friend of mine. And I want to buy a insurance for it. I am asking some of my friends where did they get their insurance for their house. An by checking for insurance online I came into http://www.insurancepaylite.com has anyone tried online insurance? how effective is the online quote system? can i depend my money on this?

If you have any suggestions it would be very much appreciated.


Gian :)

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My way is to get multiple quotes from Known companies to compare, the site has known comapnies also, and given me quotes, I have also checked alstate and progressive, and i think its more faster to look for insurance on the net rather than looking for an agent, any other suggestions

thanks guys


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Originally posted by Gian

My way is to get multiple quotes from Known companies to compare, the site has known comapnies also, and given me quotes, I have also checked alstate and progressive, and i think its more faster to look for insurance on the net rather than looking for an agent, any other suggestions

thanks guys


More faster is not always the best strategy.

I buy my insurance from a local man. I can shake his hand and look him in the eye. I've met his kids and I occasionally run into him at the grocery store.

I'm certain that I'm paying more for insurance than I would if I were to shop the web, but when my house is burglarized, or when my wife's in an automobile accident, I *know* that the insurance company is going to do right by me.

In the meantime, I'm helping to support a local business. As a local businessman myself, I appreciate the value of that.

-Jim Katen, Oregon

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I agree with Katen.

Use a local guy.

I have used a local independent insurance agent for years. I have changed insurance companies several times but still have the same agent. He is the one that provides the service, not the insurance company.

Could I save a few dollars somewhere else, sure.

If something happens to my house or car do I worry about my coverage. Not a bit.

If a rock goes through my window, I call MY agent and it is replaced in a few hours. Using a on-line company it may take a few days.

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