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Scam-Spam from TIJ?

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I got this scam-spam this morning as "sent from The Inspector's Journal Forums by willy55".

Hello Brian G.

You received the following message from: willy55 (mani_willy111Xyahoo.com)

At: https://www.inspectorsjournal.com/forum/

From: Mani WILLY

Av.12 RD 16,Apt.39B, Triechville

Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.


phone number 00225 08 572 764


Good day Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you I am Mani Willy From Abidjan Cote d'ivoire, I wish to request for your urgent assistance in my investment plans

in your base,I wish to invest in manufacturing and real estate management in your base,this is because I inheritated an important sum from my

late father who died in recent political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire here.

Before the death of my father he informed me near his hospital bed at

chu- teaching hospital, that he has saved the total sum of

($10.700,000) Ten Million Seven houndred thousand united states dollars only, in

one of the bank here in cote d Ivoire.

This money was been deposited for my social security and for fruitful

international investment.That is why I need you to keep this transaction

highly confidential and trustworthy person who will assist me to

receive this fund overseas for investment establishment purposeindurities and

lucratives profitable ventures.

Further directives and details about the deposit and on how to move

the fund successfully into your private bank account in your country

will be given to you as soon as I get your response,


Yours Faithfully.

Mani Willy

Looks like I'm gonna be rich. Who needs you bums anyway? [:-tophat]

Brian G.

Just Call Me Mr. Lucky [^]

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I would have responded sooner, but my bank did not open until 9:30am and I had to stand in line to get the certified funds. I will use my portion of the proceeds to establish a "Home for Retired Inspectors" and the balance will be sent directly to Kurt for his discretion.

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Hi Guys,

Sorry about that. Sometimes they slip in using aliases and then start posting messages to individual members through TIJ's internal messaging system. You don't have to worry, they don't have access to your information, it's just a royal pain figuring out who they are and then deleting them and blocking their ISP's.

We'll find him and delete him as fast as we can.



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