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By Mike O'Handley

So you've inspected the home, noticed a number of issues that could be considered violations of the IRC or one of the other model codes, but have no idea what code the local municipality is using. It's too late at night to call the municipality in question and you know that catching a local code guy for a telephone conference is like snipe hunting. Besides, when you do reach the city, without the name of the right official, you'll undoubtedly get the runaround. So, what do you do?

Well, in this internet-savvy world we live in, it's pretty simple, you go to ReedFirstSource.com and you look up the town in question to see which codes are in effect.

Arranged by city and state, this site lists local building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes and contact information for community code officials and local utility providers.

For a tour of the site, click here.



I'm quite happy to see your diplomatic response to being called a lap dog. I'll try to respond in the same polite fashion with out using the f bomb.


1) Pretty much everything an excellent HI does has something to do with code. Most often, code has something to do with better building practices or occupant safety. Call me silly, but I think I'd like to know about such things.

2) To perform new construction, phase inspections, and historic renovation inspections one must have an intimate knowledge of code and an excellent relationship with the AHD doesn't hurt either. Both of these assets make it easier and faster for the inspector to provide what his client has paid him to provide; an accurate, defensible report.

3) To show you what a sycophant I am...I've NEVER been in a realtor's office, asked one for business, bought anyone a donut or left a brochure on a table. ALL of my work comes from referrals from satisfied clients.

I've learned that there is no such thing as too much knowledge, too much information or too many opinions to consider.

For the record, I wrote this response the way I wanted to and then took out all the good bits assuming that somehow good humor was used while you typed "sycophant"



Maybe it was a typo and he meant "psychopaths"? In that case, he may be more correct that he knows...

Thanks to Mike for adding to the library of useful links. He makes it easier to become a better inspector, if you're in to that kind of thing.

Jim Morrison

Princeton, MA


Psychopath's abound in the home inspection profession. Hell, it's a pre-requisite. I wouldn't want a home inspector that wasn't a little nuts.

One should be careful when tossing out certain terms on an internet forum. Without eye contact, body language, & all the other stuff animals use when figuring out what another animal is "thinking", stuff can get misunderstood very easily.

Except when we're talking about Les; he's nuts. Oh, I forgot, that's a good thing......


Chad, It was in humor.

My point is, why does it matter which code a jurisdiction is using? Are you not going to report a lack of AFCI's because where you are they are using the 2000 IBC? I run into this alot here, every town it seems uses a different building code or year. I report the same things, and sure, the builders can and state that it is not a requirement in that town. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be corrected or updated. I don't think I said we shouldn't have code knowledge.


Originally posted by kurt

One should be careful when tossing out certain terms on an internet forum. Without eye contact, body language, & all the other stuff animals use when figuring out what another animal is "thinking", stuff can get misunderstood very easily.

So true. Been there, stepped in that. That's why we have smilies. [:-slaphap

Brian G.

I Learned the Code of the West from Roger Miller; Does That Count? [;)]

  • 2 weeks later...

It seems unnecessary to have a user name and password just to find out which area uses which code reference. They are probably planning a mailing list for ads and marketing promos.

It also appears that any good inspector whould already know which code applies to their work area/locale.

But then again I asumed that it is targeted to inspectors.

Many people do not know that code information. They also may not know any regional code specifics as they relate to a particular area.

That is why they should hire us to do that review for them. For the most part use ALL the International codes with the NEC as reference.



User names are one way of keeping track of visitors and preventing spammers from accessing one's site. We do it and how much stuff do you receive from TIJ sponsors? If you suspect they're going to do that, why not write them an email and ask them whether that's the case before you scare inspectors away from what could be a great resource for them?

OT - OF!!!


  • 3 weeks later...

Hello folks.

This is my first posting to this site, so be patient if some of the formatting etc. isn't just right.

Yes, I strongly suspect that First Source is using your sign-on info to generate a mailing list. I don't have a problem with that. A vast number of useful sites use that technique, because the list is their main reason for being, and the useful info is just a way of providing eyeballs for whatever someone wants to sell. TV has worked that way for years; the commercials are the real purpose of the medium, the programming is just a way to get people to sit in front of it.

When a code question comes up during an inspection (and it will, even though I never mention it first), I explain to my clients that codes change for good reasons, and if new knowledge or technology has made houses safer or better, it's wise to apply that to an old house, even if there is no official requirement to do so.

One more thing. Over the course of good month, I may work in 50 different jurisdictions here in Metro Detroit. Keeping track of code updates and officials in all of those is not even concievable. I think the site is a great idea, and I hope they add a lot more cities over time.

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