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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen.

I'm hoping for Cubs-Yankees in October.

Cubs-Yankees? Cubs-Yankees? Douglas, are you mad? That would mean the Yankees beat out the Red Sox again. I want the Sox to bounce the Yakees so I can watch the AGONY on Steinbrenner's face, and confidently predict another new record salary. I want the All-Cursed World Series we were cheated out of last year, Cubs-Red Sox!

Any more remarks of hopeful Yankee success from you young man, and I'm gonna start loading my posts with smilies! [:-baseball]

Brian G.

Go to Your Room, No Supper!

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

So Brian, here's my prediction for the final four (should the NCAA idiots seed it correctly): Pittsburgh, Mississipi State, Gonzaga, Stanford.

Winner - Gonzaga

My my, the Left Coast Sooth-Sayer is feeling his Wheaties tonight! Picking the Final Four AND the Champ....suddenly I feel indequate.


I just heard the other night that MS State's out-of-conference schedule was ranked #215 out of 300 something...not as good as I thought. But like yourself, I have faith in what my guys can do in spite of whatever mud detractors may sling. Our in-conference play was proof enough for me, but I'm not ready to pick them in the Final Four just yet (very generous of you though). Nobody on the team has been there, so I'm gonna hold-out until we get a couple of games into the Dance to take a final read.

I have to admit, I'm beginning to think Stanford hasn't gotten their due in all of this. I actually prefer your arguement to the silly newspaper columnists'. Mentally tough gaurds, defense, and coaching will win a lot of games. There is a PAC-10 tournament, isn't there? If so, I should get a better look at 'em then.

Brian G.

Are We There Yet, Are We There Yet, Are We There Yet????

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

Only 15 days to go Brian.

I know. You just watch, the frickin' phone will start ringing off the hook in 14 days.

Hey Douglas, come on over for the first round. I'll throw a couple of steaks on.

Brian G.

Vibrating in Place...Show Me the Tourney [:-basketball]

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Originally posted by hausdok

Now yer using a vibrator?!! Now I gotta go and put an X-rating disclaimer on the home page.

Now wait a dang minute, that ain't what I said!

I was passing by my step-daughter one day while she was gabbing on the phone with one of her girlfriends. She said something about "Bob" and started laughing. I asked later who Bob was (ever-vigilant), and she replyed "Battery-Operated Boyfriend". [:D]

Brian G.

Sorry I Asked [:I]

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

College basketball is just unbelievable.


And the best is yet to come. The Big Dance is the best post-season event is all of sports, IMHO. 64 teams, everybody who's anybody and then some, facing-off in an ever-tightening spiral of single elimination games in front of packed houses of maniacal fans. Upsets, butt-kickings, buzzer-beaters, comebacks, clutch plays, collapses, and inexplicable miracles....and that's usually just in the first round.

Brian G.

Brang It On!!!

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Look for the highlights of the MS State - Bama game today. State was down as much as 19 or 20, scored 5 points in 14 seconds to force overtime, and won to take our first outright SEC Championship since '63.

Senior point gaurd Timmy Bowers carried the team at the end of the game and in OT, and last I heard Roberts had 21 rebounds.

The plot thickens soon.

Brian G.

Revenge Is Sweet [:-mischievous]

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Douglas my friend,

My condolences on the heart-breaking end of the season loss. So close to a perfect record, just one miracle finish short. I'm sure you're all disappointed, but don't lose sight of what a great season it has been for your boys.

Personally, I think Stanfords tournament stock is up a bit on this turn. No more perfect record to defend, maybe a #2 seed instead of a #1, maybe less of a white-hot spotlight for the boys. What happens in the first 2 rounds of the Pac-10 tournament will tell the tale. Best of luck!

Brian G.

Windin' on Down

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

I don't have much hope for the Pac-10 tournament.

O ye of little faith, they looked just fine to me. I think that was an important game for them myself, they neeeded to bounce right back after the heartbreaking loss to spoil the perfect season. As an HI might say, "No problems noted".

How about St. Joe's getting bounced by Xavier at the get-go? I heard a few of the talking-head experts early in the year talking about the Atlantic-10, saying it was a major conference in basketball. I saw the line-up for their tournament...Hah! They have 3 schools that put good-but-not-great teams on the floor most years (St. Joe, Xavier, Richmond), 2 teams whose glory years are in the rearview mirror (Temple, U-Mass), and a bunch of also-rans who rarely if ever even threaten the top 25. That's a major conference??? I think not.

State drew the toughest possible first opponent, Vanderbilt. They're my pick for the SEC version of "nobody's heard about them, but you don't want to play them". We got 'em by a measely 3 the first time, I'm sure they have payback on their minds. It shouldn't matter though. When you hit post-season you have to beat whoever they put in front of you, plain and simple. Get it done or sit down.

If they do get paired up with Mississippi State, you and I should have some interesting wager on the outcome.

Do you have a first-born male child?

Brian G.

Go Dawgs!

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

After the action this week, I think anybody can be beaten.

I absolutely agree, no one will be safe this year. This could be the year when a 16 beats a 1 in the first round. This will be a very tough tournament for the Great Prognosticator to call.

At least Stanford has their #1 seed assured, though I don't think that means more than one round of breathing room.

Probably right. I still wouldn't want that white-hot spotlight if I were you.

I just realized I'm scheduled to be doing a seminar all day March 27-28 - the round of 16. I feel a sudden illness coming on - maybe Cramer can substitute for me...

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Brian G.

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