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A very nice responce from NACHI

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After being bombarded with unsolicitated email from NACHI, and, trying to email everyone I could to have them remove me from their mailing list, I finally reached someone and this is their responce.

*** Oh, I see now. Your an ASHI Home Inspector. Just so you know, I have never sent you any of those Emails. If you would have read, you would know that "Nick Gromicko" Sent you the "Home Hints" News Letter. He is the founder of NACHI, You know the inspection industries leaders when it comes to educated home inspectors. Being a Home Inspector requires one to be detail oriented, and someone who would have noticed that all of those Emails came directly from NACHI HQ. Because you are a Home Inspector you are on a mailing list that every vendor for Home Inspectors has. I'm sure you get Email from Pro-Lab & Professional Equipment also, just to name a couple. That is the same list. If your not interested in being educated and being a smart Home Inspector then Email NACHI & Nick Gromicko to be removed from their Email lists. (I feel sorry for the clients who hire a Home Inspector who is not educated in their own field and is not detail oriented.)***

A real class act.

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This gets much better:

Nick responded to my emails.id="blue">

Actually, I didn't send it either. Grail media did and figured out a way to put my name on the outgoing address. Anyway, asking vendors (or anyone) to remove you from an email list is old school. Just go to your email filter and block emails from that source (and any other) that you don't want to receive emails from. It is 2006.

Anyway, http://www.nachi.org/benefits.htm


Nick Gromicko


National Association of Certified Home Inspectors


I respond to Nicks email.id="blue">

Hello Nick:

Thanks for replying. I have tried to respond to numerous mass emails that are sent out regarding removing me from the email list but these are sent out by mass mail. This email however, had the email address of a real person so Jason happened to be it.

Although you can use a filter to block unwanted email you still get it in your junk email box. The point is to block spam at the source before it gets to your mail box. There are laws against spam and unwanted email, one being if you’re notified that you do not wish to receive email from XYZ company they have to cease and desist.

So, once again, I am requesting that you notify whoever is responsible for your mass emails to remove my name.

By the way, Jason could have replied with something like “Sure, I’ll get in touch with the powers to be and pass your request along, I know how frustrating spam can beâ€

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You know, that's just about what I'd expect from them. I can't say I'm surprised by their comments.

I also get that SPAM newsletter and other junk mail from NACHI. I can assure you, I never signed up for it. I've been reporting it to my ISP as SPAM. Sooner or later they'll get put on a SPAM list and many ISP's will block them. All it takes is for everyone to report every email from them to their ISP.

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  • 1 year later...

Another cleverly named individual hiding behind the internet curtain.

Pete, forums aren't like dating chat rooms...we expect you to be credible.

I know, I know, the mystery turns the chicks on, but the fact is you're still using your Mom's computer with your pants around your knees while chatting with (you think) some hot blond (actually it's another guy like you pretending to be a blond) trying to run the mouse and type left handed.

You're even less credible than the author of the swill in the link you posted. Even Gromicko has the balls to write under his own name.

On another website, folks are actually purporting this BS as a reasonable truth.

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On another website, folks are actually purporting this BS as a reasonable truth.

Only the same people who always support his stories Chad, if you listen closely while reading their posts you can hear the sound of the lead Sheep's bell leading them on.

As far as the spam goes, Nick claims that any of his Vendors who send email ads must include a link to remove yourself from their mail list, it seldom works, usually like most spammers they just come back with a slightly different sending address.

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