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Underground Gas Pipe


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What a frustrating and confusing excursion into the world of codes, municipalities and "proper methods".

When working on one's own home, its interesting I get to wear the hat of home inspector, contractor, consumer and citizen who simply wants to do the right thing.

I'll be running an underground gas line to a patio grill off the back of my house. Went to buy the 'underground' rated pipe and was told they only sell to licensed plumbers.

So I call two different plumbers to get bids. One tells me they only allow coated, rated stainless pipe. The other tells me that basic black iron wrapped with tape is just fine (which I can do myself).

So I've been calling the city since last week. No one there knows what is acceptable except for maybe the sole (as in one man for the whole city) field inspector who is off for the holiday!!

2006 IRC and 2006 National Fuel Gas Code tell me only that the underground pipe has to be protected from corrosion in an 'approved' manner.

I'm tempted to just run black pipe with PVC wrap, do it myself, save about $500 and not even get the city involved. Basically, just what I professionally advise clients against doing (DIY work where you're not sure the 'right' way to do it).

I guess I'm more venting than have a question. If you guys know what pipe is legal and proper for underground in you area, obviously it wouldn't help me for my area.

The moral of this story is that building issues can become convoluted and complex. Its easy for us as inspectors to give clients advice and the 'proper and legal' methods. But many times, those methods aren't clear nor are they easy to execute.

Off for two day for the 4th - won't be around the computer.

Looking forward to reading your responses when I get back!

Happy 4th!! God Bless America!!

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At least you have someone to call to get no answer. I called NJ State DCA with a code question last week and I was told that they were closed because of flooding in the city (Trenton) and there was nobody there to answer my question. I called today and was told that due to the state budget not being approved, the office was shut down until they approve the NJ State budget. So now I have a delayed project because of politics and Mother Nature.

Sorry for the thread drift-just venting my frustrations. I feel better now.

Happy 4th of July to everyone.

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

At least you have someone to call to get no answer. I called NJ State DCA with a code question last week and I was told that they were closed because of flooding in the city (Trenton) and there was nobody there to answer my question. I called today and was told that due to the state budget not being approved, the office was shut down until they approve the NJ State budget. So now I have a delayed project because of politics and Mother Nature.

Sorry for the thread drift-just venting my frustrations. I feel better now.

Happy 4th of July to everyone.

If you people in NJ would just pony up and pay your fair share of taxes, you wouldn't have that problem. . .

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City called me back today and referred me to Chapter 12 of Uniform Plumbing Code. Basically, its the same stuff as IRC and National Fuel Gas Code.

The mandate is "specifically vague" I like to call it - underground pipe shall be protected in an approved manner.

So what does "approved" mean? Its almost like nobody wants to define it. Who's gonna accept responsiblity for the 'correct' installation?

I'm just gonna lay some black iron wrapped in 10 mil vinyl tape and save myself about $400.

Be careful when you use the word approved,

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Originally posted by mcramer

Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

At least you have someone to call to get no answer. I called NJ State DCA with a code question last week and I was told that they were closed because of flooding in the city (Trenton) and there was nobody there to answer my question. I called today and was told that due to the state budget not being approved, the office was shut down until they approve the NJ State budget. So now I have a delayed project because of politics and Mother Nature.

Sorry for the thread drift-just venting my frustrations. I feel better now.

Happy 4th of July to everyone.

If you people in NJ would just pony up and pay your fair share of taxes, you wouldn't have that problem. . .


What does that mean? The problem is the governor wants to collect more taxes one way and the legislators don't agree with how the taxes should be collected. There is a shorfall in the State Budget. There is a stalemate between them. Non-essential services have been shut-down until they can agree.

So what does that mean when you say that us NJ "People" don't want to pay our fair share? What is a fair share? A fair share of what?

FYI-I pay almost $10K in real estate taxes, a 2.5% state income tax, 6% sales tax, tolls on some highways, tolls at bridges and tunnels, and numerous other additional hidden taxes on items. That is all in addition to my Federal Taxes. Sometimes I feel like a government employee!

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

FYI-I pay almost $10K in real estate taxes, a 2.5% state income tax, 6% sales tax, tolls on some highways, tolls at bridges and tunnels, and numerous other additional hidden taxes on items. That is all in addition to my Federal Taxes. Sometimes I feel like a government employee!

Geeez Steve, you ever think about moving to somewhere where you're not taxed as much?

You know, there are states that have no State Income tax.......

By the time the Gov. gets done...do they give ya'll a kiss?? [:-eyebrow

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Hi Steve,

Chill Dude! I interpreted Mark's comment as tongue-in-cheek with a wink. Take your blood pressure medicine.

Thanks for the insight though. My wife's sister lives in NJ and she's been hinting around that she'd like me to move over there from a state where there's no income tax and no toll roads. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

OT - OF!!!


OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Steve,

Chill Dude! I interpreted Mark's comment as tongue-in-cheek with a wink. Take your blood pressure medicine.

Thanks for the insight though. My wife's sister lives in NJ and she's been hinting around that she'd like me to move over there from a state where there's no income tax and no toll roads. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

OT - OF!!!


OT - OF!!!


Sorry MCramer, guess I missed the joke in your comment.

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Originally posted by homnspector

They sell the greeen coated pipe here at the hardware store (Ace). Not allowed to do that in Washington?

No, can't get anything but black iron and galvanized. I'd love to get my hands on some of that green coated stuff though - sounds like it'd work well.

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Steve,

Chill Dude! I interpreted Mark's comment as tongue-in-cheek with a wink. Take your blood pressure medicine.

Thanks for the insight though. My wife's sister lives in NJ and she's been hinting around that she'd like me to move over there from a state where there's no income tax and no toll roads. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

OT - OF!!!


OT - OF!!!


Sorry MCramer, guess I missed the joke in your comment.

It WAS a joke. New Jerseyites are way overtaxed. It's no wonder so many are moving to FL. We pay 6-7% sales tax and no income tax. Corzine should take a lesson from Jeb Bush.

It's amazing that the politicians think they can keep bleeding the taxpayers dry with no consequences. What ever happened to the concept of cutting expenditures?

I just saw your stalemate as a perfect example. But heck, you guys elected him.

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