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Home Inspection Brochures

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I'm finally thru with my training and will start a business soon. I need brochures. There is a site called "homeinspectionbrochure.com. I think that I can beat their $149. for 1000 brochures price. Can I download a copy of their brochure and take it to a local printer? Is that legal? I don't see anywhere that says it's copywrited. All I want to use is the writing and not the pictures.

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This is Les. The Copyright includes not just changing one period and saying it is yours. There are many inspectors that frequent this board, me included, that have "invented" forms, articles, processes, methods, etc. that cannot be duplicated. Years ago, I got a call from an atty in New York informing me there was a forthcoming cause of action because I was using the words Garbage Disposal and his client owned it and wanted money. He was right and I was wrong! Nice guy that allowed me to use my existing forms/boiler with the promise I would change it to the proper words - Garbage Disposer.

Point is you are now in a business where words mean things and you should be prepared to get your own. Nothing say no class to me faster than a brochure that is off the shelf with the names changed to protect their identity.

Fool around a little and ask your non-inspector friends to help you and you will come up with something that is you.

As an aside, brochures are worthless in my opinion. Been in this business a long time and know you likely need them now. Consider a first class business card, a cheap heavy flashlight or even a yo-yo with your name on it. Really think about how you want your clients to regard you and your service and always take the "high road"

I really hope others give you their opinion, 'cause there are many on this board!

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Well, I'm glad you set me straight on the legality of using someone else's writings. I'll try something else. I have noticed one thing, however, when I've read some home inspector's brochures. It seems some paragraphs say the same thing, practically word for word. I know that they got those words from somewhere and not from themselves.

There's bound to be a "boiler-plate" type of brochure that I can buy and modify. I'm looking for a sharp, professional-looking brochure. The people established in this business probably don't need brochures. I just feel I need to hand something other than a business card to real estate agents or future clients. But, if it's a waste of time, I'll just stick with the business cards.

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Originally posted by Reality

. . . I have noticed one thing, however, when I've read some home inspector's brochures. It seems some paragraphs say the same thing, practically word for word. I know that they got those words from somewhere and not from themselves.

There's bound to be a "boiler-plate" type of brochure that I can buy and modify. I'm looking for a sharp, professional-looking brochure. . . .

If you noticed that the paragraphs seemed familiar, others will too. Your brochure will simply blend in with the rest.

Your promotional materials should focus on what makes you different from everyone else.

Find a good graphic artist. Don't do this stuff yourself. It'll look much better when done by a pro.

Good advertising materials are expensive. Cheap advertising materials are *really* expensive.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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