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I would like to thank everyone for the answers to my posts, there is such a great deal of wealth of knowledge in this forum. I hope im not bothering anyone too much. This has been the best asset as far as getting real world opinions I had been targeting realtors and thier opinions were much diffrent. The only thing I was hearing was dont be a deal breaker how do you address this?



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Realtors are always looking for sucker newbies to fluff up a deal. I use the term "fluff" as in the porn movie context; the "fluffer" is the person that makes sure the male lead is, ahem, ready. Realtors like these types because they make everything look & sound good. It's a great way to get business and go bankrupt @ the same time.

Don't be a fluffer.

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Get educated-be consistant-be patient-be honest-be thorough. You'll sleep nights and have a long career. As a single inspector, you'll find it lonely out there. Get involved with other inspectors in one of the societies. It's worth the dough. You will not have any friends in the market place. Except, of course, your satified customers. Yeah Pats

Jack Ahern

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I love it! Fluffer is a new word for me, but now that you've given it to us, you can be sure I will dutifully work it into every conversation I can for some time.

Use of such a word obliges you to fully disclose the circumstances under which you learned it. This is probably not the right forum for that kind of thing, but rest assured I will press the issue another time. If the truth is uninteresting, this should give you ample time to make something good up.

I've never eaten a fluffernutter and now I never will,


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