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You must be getting close to being a top poster on this forum.

I like 3D. It is the only one that I have ever used, so it may be the worst one out there, but the product is VERY flexible and the customer service is second to none.(at least I think so)

send me your email address and I'll send you a sample. (don't want to try to run it through TIJ, it is so large,it may gum up the works)


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Before you go too far.....

How do you want your inspection report to look? Do you want a rambling narrative? Do you want bullet point info? Complete sentences? Summary? Photos? I think you get the idea.

Figure out how you want your information to appear, then research software. All of them take frightening amounts of customization to come up w/ anything near what you will ultimately want. As one begins, one is very often forced to continue, so choose wisely.....

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How do you want your inspection report to look? Do you want a rambling narrative? Do you want bullet point info? Complete sentences? Summary? Photos?

With 3-D you can do all of that.

I use it, I love it.

It does take a lot of work to get it right for you though. it is not a program that you want to load on your computer and use the same day unless you like bad boilerplate phrases.

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Now a word from our sponsor.

Kurt is right, once you purchase a program you are pretty much stuck with it for a long time, unless you want to eat the cost of it. So, take your time choosing. I'll also agree that most boilerplate, including mine, won't fit everyone's style or every application. There's no software out there that can do it all for you. You'll have to put some of your own elbow grease into it. [:-irked]

That said, I spent about an hour on the phone one night last week with a fellow walking him through basic setup and teaching him the basics of Inspect Express and how to customize the boilerplate as well as the hardplated comments. By the time we were done, he had a pretty good handle on the program and told me that what he'd been able to learn to do in an hour with IE was way more than he'd been able to figure out using the 3D demo for the past few months. I've had similar comments from others who called and had been trying to learn InspectVue. [:-sour]

Three years ago, I spent an entire day at an InspectIt seminar trying to learn their program and came away more confused than when I started. [:-hypnotized] Still, I spent over $600. on the program that day and began using it. After a year though, it was still a struggle for me and I switched to IE. Good thing took, 'cuz that's how TIJ finally came to fruition. [:-jump2]

Anyway, my point here is that, if you are looking for a simple, intuitive program that will produce a good looking narrative-type report, and is every bit as customizable as 3D, InspectVue or InspectIt, you owe it to yourself to try Inspect Express. [:-magnify]

We now return you to your regular forum.



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Originally posted by cwoodssr

Hello from Florida

I use this Inspec Trix Pro 2003 by Inspection Training Associates and I have found that the summary page and program lack allot for the cost and you have to create info for clients.


I don't know anything about Inspec Tria Pro 2003, I use the Borealis system (same s Brian) and love it.

Hey Woody, as an inspector, aren't we supposed to create info for the client? Isn't that what we get (poorly) paid for?


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If you don't use 3D Your not a pro. I have looked (I think) at every inspection report system out there, some are pretty good, But in my opinion the 3D system is the best.Tell em I sent you and they will treat you like a pro. Or just visit the web site www.3dinspection.com

P.S. No I dont make anything off this recommendation.

Rolland Pruner

CBI Property Inspections

Livermore, CA


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As a trainer, we have about every major software and inspection checklist on the market to show newbie HI's. Our 1st rule is that having done it twice, and had the vendor bail out on us - we will NEVER, EVER recommend any software that you have to call to get an unlock code to make it work.

If my hard drive crashes, I need to reload instantly. If I upgrade my hard drive, I want to reload instantly. If I buy a new system, I expect to reload it and go to work instantly. If you have to call some geek somewhere to get a number to make it work - trash the stuff.

Number 2 thought - as far as software goes, 3D is up at the top of the list for capabilities but it seems to have a higher learning curve than most. I've met a dozen guys that have bought it but never been able to really get it going for them. My other 2 personal favorites are HomeGauge and InspectVue (porter Valley).

I can't remember if I've ever seen Inspection Express - who makes it??

Dan Bowers, CRI (Kansas City)

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Originally posted by CBI property inspections

If you don't use 3D Your not a pro. I have looked (I think) at every inspection report system out there, some are pretty good, But in my opinion the 3D system is the best.Tell em I sent you and they will treat you like a pro. Or just visit the web site www.3dinspection.com

P.S. No I dont make anything off this recommendation.

Rolland Pruner

CBI Property Inspections

Livermore, CA


Are you calling all non 3-D users "Mickey Mouse"?

Thats a pretty BOLD statement. I'll tell you what, why don't you upload an actual report and I'll do the same, then we can let others judge whats professional.....


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  • 2 weeks later...


Why not contact several providers and request their demo CD's. I'd study them carefully as it was mentioned previously, you'll spend a bag of time tailoring the narratives to fit your style, so your initial software choice is important.

I went with InspectView R3 because it's user friendly and easy to understand. I particularly like the front page which gives the complete picture of the inspection report in a logical presentation.

I've had my email questions answered within 2 hours and they're constantly updating to add new features (free for the first year).

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