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Having Trouble Posting Pictures

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I am having trouble uploading/posting pictures.[:-dunce]

I searched the site and found instructions on the procedure.[:-thumbu]

I see it says "make sure the picture is less than 100 kb. How do I do that? I see others have posted picture all different sizes and details. My pictures are no different.[?]

I'm not a computer wiz, my son knows much more than me,and he is not sure either.[:-banghea


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Your pic comes up as unable to open page

Now I'll try again, your way


Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif 81_deck_rebar.jpg

434 Bytes

O.K., now it SEEMS to work, I get the icon that I see in other postings, when I try to open it, all I get is a little box with a red x [:-banghea

my son told me to try clicking refresh or right click, show picture... no luck {:-banghea

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Your problem is that you've got parentheses and spaces in the file name for your picture. Rename the file to Concrete_medium.jpg and it should upload and display fine.


You've attempted to upload a gif icon - not a photo. It's gotta be an icon - hell, it's only 434bytes

Click on the paper clip icon below the composition box and then browse your computer. Go to your pictures file, find the file name for the photo you want to post, make sure it hasn't got any special symbols or spaces in it and then click on the file name. It will load it to the upload box. Click to finish it and it will upload your photo and give you a message that you've successfully posted. Then just return to the composition box and submit your post.

OT - OF!!!


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I'll try again.

No good.

I clicked on paper clip, browsed, selected picture, renamed it 81deck_rebar.jpg

clicked upload, waited, shortly got a screen that said Page cannot be displayed

What am I doing wrong?

Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif 81deck_rebar.jpg

500 Bytes

in the file box on the upload screen, I noticed that after .jpg there is .tif

I tried deleting that but it still does not come up.

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Danged if I know. I've looked at the url and it should have worked. Try renaming the photo DeckRebar and eliminate the numbers and see if that works. If not, it might be something with our software. I've tried to call Mike B. a couple of times to see if he has any idea what it is, but I guess he's not home right now. Guess we'll both have to patient until El-Guru Del-Yahoo returns home.



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I'm afraid you gentlemen have Brian Syndrome. I've never been able to successfully post a photo to this website, or figure out why it won't work. The instructions are simple enough, when I try it says it uploaded the photo, but the link never works. I assume it something in the settings of my computer, but I can post photos at one of the other HI sites. Go figure. [:-boggled

Brian G.

One of the Unfortunate Few [:-weepn]

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I've talked to Mike B. about this. He says you are probably using a Netscape browser instead of Internet Explorer. It seems that when you post a photo in Netscape you have to also copy the "code" whatever that means or it won't work. However, there are folks who use Netscape who post pictures here all the time. They should be able to shed some light on this.




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