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Ten Years

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Hi All,

I happened to look up at the calender last night and realize that it was the 10th anniversary of mine and Yung's arrival in Seattle.

I'd signed out of Ft. Carson,CO on terminal leave on the 12th of April 1996 and we'd spent a few lazy days driving up to Seattle to start our new life here. Though I didn't "officially" retire from the Army for another 46 days after that (20 years, 9 months, 5 days and 4 hours, but who was counting?), we hit the ground running. I did 4 inspections my first month in business and did 127 by the the end of the year.

Can't believe how fast the time has gone by - seems like my first 10 years in the army took twice as long to pass. I have to find a way to slow this thing down or I'm going to be looking back in a few days wondering where the last 20 years as an inspector went.

It's been interesting. That's one thing I can surely say.



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Originally posted by Brian G.

Yep, a decade here, a decade there, and before you know it you aren't 23 anymore (dammit). [;)]

Brian G.

Thinking of Switching to Dog Years Soon [:-doggy]

Brian, looking at life from this side (65) I wouldn't want to be 23 again. I've learned a thing or two since then. [:-taped]

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Congrats, Mike and Yung.

First and foremost, THANK YOU for your service in the military!

12 years inspecting here. I turn 55 in September. I decided at about 25 that "growing up" is an illusion and resolved not to. I'm happy right where I am. No point in going back. I've got five keeper kids and three keeper grand kids. Two poor choices got me into a couple of rotten marriages and left me raising four of my five by myself. (I definitely don't regret that. They'd have been a mess otherwise.) [:-thumbu]

The good news.... I'm living like I'm 23 now. And... loving it! [:P]

I guess one of Zig Ziglar's countless sayings that has stuck with me, "What are you doing 'under' the circumstances anyway?" [:-wiltel]

I just do my best to keep ahold of the bull by the horns and ride! [;)]

It sounds like you've done just fine at it as well.

Wishing you many future years of success and happiness.

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