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Inspection times

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HI Tony;

I try to set inspections at 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, or 5:00 pm in the summer months when there is more daylight. I try do set only two a day because of the time involved in completing the reports at the office. If the time varies from this it makes it hard to schedule any additional inspections for that day.

The sellers usually don't have a problem with the times if they really want to sell the house. The buyer attends the inspection over 95% of the time. I STRONGLY recommend that they do. They get to see the time, effort, and restrictions involved in a home inspection. I think that it reduces questions and liability risks.[:-basketball]

I work a lot of Saturdays, but seldom Sundays during the busy season.

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You should dictate the time and all other terms of your work, being flexible where you can. In my experience, clients and real estate folks tend towards exploiting flexibility, so be judicious. When I did 2 a day, I did them at 8:00 am and 1:00 pm, now that I've cut back to one a day, I start at 9:00 am. The average house takes me about 3 hours and travel time in Greater Boston can be an issue.

Buyers attend nearly every inspection, sellers are rarely there, but are nearly always cooperative. Its smart to interact with them as little as possible.

Good Luck,


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Yes, you should have set times. I inspect homes at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. I have found it best to give the client a couple of choices at first. "I can inspect the home at 9:00 am on Tuesday or 1:00 pm Thursday, which would be better for you?" By giving them a choice it lets you take control of the transaction and it is also an old salesman closing technique. I am a little flexible, if times are slow like now, I will do them just about anytime before 3:00 pm. I only work Monday thru Friday.

I don't have the traffic problems like a big city, so I can do two jobs a day with no problem.

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If nothing else, I guess that you can tell there aren't any "pat" answers. We are all different. Some of the things I know others do, I think are impossible. A lot of what I do others think is just plain nuts.

For example. I schedule only 9:00 am inspections. The choice I give to people is "would you like Tuesday or would Thursday be better?" My inspection takes a minimum of 3 hours and the report another two. Add drive time and lunch and its at least 4:00 in the afternoon. That's enough. I e-mail the report and send a hard copy by Priority Mail. If I get it in the mail by 5:00, they usually have it the next day. (another reason for a 9:00 start)

95% of my inspections have the buyer present the other 5% send a check before the inspection. I am about $125 to $150 higher than my competition. Sure I loose the lowest price shopper and some of the folks that can't afford to take off work, but the ones I do get are my kind of people.

First, they are high enough up the food chain at work that taking a few hours off is no problem. They are much more willing to pay extra for better service. These people are not cash strapped and do they have to look to the inspector to pay for a leaking faucet 6 months later. And last but not least, they are a GREAT source of QUALITY referrals.

I also love it when the seller is present and follows me around. When I find problems they didn't know they had, or check things that they didn't know needed checking, I will often get a call from them when they are ready for an inspection. Sometimes you can get the sellers phone number (Bressers) and call them to invite them to stay. They are shocked because their realtor told them I did not want them there.

I have never walked into a real estate office, and I have never given my card to an agent with out them asking for it twice. I don't work with realtors and I want to keep it that way.

Easy boys ... I'm stopping here.

You are only about 20 miles from me, perhaps you would like to ride along some time and see for yourself?


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I would love to do one a day. I started my own company last September after a 3 1/2 year internship with local company and am trying to reach the level that you are at. On very rare occasions I have done three in a day. I schedule "light" the next day. We both seem to spend the same amount of time doing the inspection and the report. I don't understand how anyone can do three or four everyday and have time to sleep. [:-bigeyes2]

I do get referrals from buyers realtors. My report and what I look for is the same regardless of the source. I sometimes lose inspections from realtors who are looking for a soft report but gain them back from buyer referrals.

As the business, my reputation, and buyer referrals grow so will my price.

It was very kind of you to offer Tony a ride along. TONY, take him up on the offer. You'll learn more in one day than in a month by yourself.[:-bonc01]

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A funny thing happens when you charge what you are worth, the quality of your client will go up and the concern over your price will go down.

A lot more people than realtors think are much more concerned with quality than price.

I did not try it, but it seems to me that if I build a business based on meeting or beating my competitors price, I would lock myself into that market. Referrals would be from people telling other people how cheap I am. When the referral calls around and finds someone charging less, I loose both the referral and the one doing the referring.

I may be wrong, I know that I was once before. BUT, it has been so long, no matter how hard I try, I can't remember the circumstances. [:-headache]


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I typically do two a day, 9:00 & 1:00

I schedule the 9:00 for houses under 2000 sq feet, I do the larger ones in the afternoon, UNLESS I get a BIG ONE I did a "1999" 4450 sq. ft. today. I started at 9:30 ended at 3:00, went home spent an hour doing the report. Got paid 667.50 [:-jump2]on the visa and a $50.00 cash tip[:-jump2][:-bonc01][:-jump2] I wish that happened every day.

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10 and 3 here. Houston is sprawled over such a wide area that my drive time can be as much as an hour or more between inspections.

I need the a.m. time to proof the previous days reports. (my wife types them from my notes, I proof them and email them in the a.m.)


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