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Spring . . .

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One active topic in the last six hours . . . I suppose we're all enjoying groovy weather and the beginning of our busy seasons. It was nearly 80 in Lexington today. The tiny leaves of the flowers are starting to poke through the dirt, the trees are budding, the birds are singing. I even mowed my lawn less than an hour ago.


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I took my daughter and grandbaby up to see Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello today and as we looked off into the distance from his mountain top home I told her, "I'm sure happy to see Spring!"

I'm with you, Bain, although, for the first time in 12 years, the real estate business in Richmond, VA is off by quite a bit. It's been choppy since Fall and usually by now it would be full steam ahead.

Just the same, I'm ready for warm weather, mountain biking, hiking and kayaking.

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I need to take time to mow my lawn but have been too busy with inspections.

Bain, want to mow it for me??

I was planning a fishing trip last Saturday for after completing a morning inspection on a lake cabin over at Cave Run Lake. Wouldn't you know Saturday dawned cold and chilly. Inspection conditions were 35 degres and sleeting. Finished inspection about 12:00, still crappy weather for bank fishing, headed home. Just about the time I got home, the sun came out, temperature went up to about 55 degrees and it was a beautiful afternoon. Just to far to go back. Bummed.

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