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Free NEC Pool Interpretation From Mike Holt


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Mike Holt is offering his interpretation of Article 680 of the NEC - Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Fountains and Similar Installations as a free pdf download.

A Code misinterpretation can result in invisible lethal voltage gradients right in the water or adjacent ground. If you're an inspector who struggles when it comes to understanding all the various requirements for pool wiring in the NEC, this is the publication for you.

This is essentially a textbook that is meant to be used along with the NEC and not as a stand-alone document. In includes Article 90 - An Introduction to the NEC and totals 31 pages. Click here to download the text now.

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  • 10 months later...


Good one. Just to clear up the confusion for others reading - it's okay to publish a link to someone else's site, it's not alright to cut and paste their content to TIJ, or any other site, without their permission. This is an embedded link to Mike Holt's site. However, if I'd downloaded the document and then added it to TIJ's downloads library without his permission I would be committing piracy and copyright infringement.

It's important to understand the distinction and not to cross that line, because not only can the person who cuts and pastes it get in trouble, the owner of the site where it's posted can get into hot water too and that I don't need.



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