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Senate vote on S1955 Small Business Health Plan (S

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[s1955-Small Business Health Plans Sample Message #1 –

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The Honorable _____________

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator _______________,

My name is [name] of [name of business], located in [name of town]. I am a member of [name of association]. I am writing to express my strong support for floor consideration and passage of S1955, better known as the Small Business Health Plan (SBHP) bill.

Small businesses like mine face a terrible challenge with the exploding costs of health insurance premiums, rising deductibles, increased exclusions, higher co pays, reduced drug benefits and more. Many of the uninsured and under-insured people in America are small business owners. In many cases reasonable health insurance is not available at any price. Much of this problem is due to the fact that most small business owners have very little negotiating power versus large insurance companies.

S1955 would help address this problem by allowing TAREI to use its much greater negotiating power, acting on behalf of thousands of professional home inspectors like me, to secure favorable insurance options and make them available to our membership. This is the same group health plan approach available to employees of large companies. I need S1955 to level the playing field for me.

I know that S1955 is opposed by some insurers and state-level insurance regulators. I would ask that you side with the interests of small business owners in America who need help in obtaining affordable health insurance.

I am asking for your votes to bring S1955 to the Senate floor and pass it. I understand some Senators may try to keep the bill off the Senate floor with a filibuster. I would ask that you support cloture and oppose any effort to keep S1955 off the Senate floor with a filibuster. Further, I request that you oppose any “killerâ€

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