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Watch those babies!!!

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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Chris,

That is sad. What's a lifted truck - one of those things where they've put the body so ridiculously high that they need a ladder to get in and out?

OT - OF!!!


This is basically what they're talking about. (this isn't the truck involved)

Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif sport-trac-lifted-truck.jpg

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But it can really happen with most any vehicle. My 4 year old has a bad habit of running out into the garage when he hears my wife pull in with her 99' Expedition. We try to very aware of this, but all it takes is ONE lapse. Very scary!

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I agree, I was just wondering what they were referring to. I've never heard them called that before. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard them called anything before. "Supertrucks" maybe but never lifted. Anyone who's ever backed over a kid's toy or bicycle also knows that feeling of awful realization that it might have been a kid.

OT - OF!!!


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When my kids were small, I got in the habit of walking around my vehicle before getting into it, even in the garage. Well, one day I walked around the car in the garage, got in and started to back out when a felt a bump. When I looked I found that I had backed over my son's new kitten. I swear that kitten wasn't visible when I got into the car. The only explanation I could come up with was that the kitten was on top of a tire and fell under it as I backed out.

My son was devastated. That was a very sobering experience. Even when you think you're being careful, bad stuff can jump up and bite.

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