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Solutions to improve air quality at home

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Hello Everyone, I am looking to see if I find solutions to the air quality in my home. 

My wife and I have lived in our home for 1 year. When we moved in we had some slight coughs, but when they became consistent I hired an air quality testing company. 

The company tested all the basement, attic and living spaces. What they found were mild allergens and some mold mostly in the basement (not black), but not much higher than the outside. We do get some moisture on the basement walls when it rains, but ut dries up after some days. 


They recommended we open up windows to let air flow in and let the house breath and get a dehumidifier for each floor. I have done that and have opened up the windows in the attic to let the hot air escape(where we live now its pretty humid).


Now, lately my wife wakes up in the middle of the night with severe coughs. Its been happening consistently and I have been waking up in the morning with my mouth feeling rough and tasting kind of like dirt and my stomach nauseas and upset.

What I understood when the company tested the air is that mold spores in the air may cause allergic reactions, but they stated that they didnt find enough mold in the air or saw mold visually to be alarmed about. 

I have installed an exhaust fan in our room and try to keep the room cool, but thia hasnt helped. I have ran an air purifier in the room as well, but my wife still wakes up with coughing fits. We have dusted the ceilings and ceiling fan, cleaned up spiderwebs, but still. At this point we are stumped and wanted to know what else we can do to remedy the situation. Thank you for all suggestions and opinions. 

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42 minutes ago, Chezgreendream said:

Hello Everyone, I am looking to see if I find solutions to the air quality in my home. 

My wife and I have lived in our home for 1 year. When we moved in we had some slight coughs, but when they became consistent I hired an air quality testing company. 

The company tested all the basement, attic and living spaces. What they found were mild allergens and some mold mostly in the basement (not black), but not much higher than the outside. We do get some moisture on the basement walls when it rains, but ut dries up after some days. 


They recommended we open up windows to let air flow in and let the house breath and get a dehumidifier for each floor. I have done that and have opened up the windows in the attic to let the hot air escape(where we live now its pretty humid).


Now, lately my wife wakes up in the middle of the night with severe coughs. Its been happening consistently and I have been waking up in the morning with my mouth feeling rough and tasting kind of like dirt and my stomach nauseas and upset.

What I understood when the company tested the air is that mold spores in the air may cause allergic reactions, but they stated that they didnt find enough mold in the air or saw mold visually to be alarmed about. 

I have installed an exhaust fan in our room and try to keep the room cool, but thia hasnt helped. I have ran an air purifier in the room as well, but my wife still wakes up with coughing fits. We have dusted the ceilings and ceiling fan, cleaned up spiderwebs, but still. At this point we are stumped and wanted to know what else we can do to remedy the situation. Thank you for all suggestions and opinions. 

Spore count shouldn't be higher inside than outside. If it's only a little, that could change tomorrow. If you're more allergic than most folks, get an air filter with the highest allergen rating you can find. Change it regularly, even if it appears clean to the naked eye. Let us know.

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2 hours ago, Chezgreendream said:

Hey @Marc, thanks for your reply. We did get an air purifier with hepa filter, but there hasnt been any noticeable difference. I say it may be spores, but in actually I dont have any clue what it is thats causing this, as theres no smell or visible cues. 


Perhaps see a doctor.


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Lots of questions:  How old is the home? Central cooling/heating system? Did the IAQ test look at mold/pollen allergens or also include tests for hydrocarbons? RADON test?

Assuming its nothing more complicated than a need for cleaner air, and you have a central heating system, you could go with a whole home filtration system, with or without UV, multiple pleated filters, including a carbon option.

Good luck and keep us informed?

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