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Kurt's Future

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This morning as I was responding to the messages and looking at Kurt on his wind surf board, I was reminded of my past.

I grew up as a competative swimmer. I swam breast stroke and individual medally in the AAU from age 7 to 17 and was a life guard for about 4 years.

Well, from age 28 to about 44 I was pretty big into boogie boarding and used to go to Virginia Beach any time a hurricane came up the coast and ride.

Finally, at age 44, my son, who now was going and riding with me, and myself dashed to Croatan Beach and began the treck out past the breakers. The surf was particularly brutal. It was taking several tries (including failures) to make it out. I think I might have made it past the breakers once or twice and caught some pretty nice rides. But, my last attempt back out I ran out of gas and just about drowned trying to get out. Finally, me and about three other guys my age basically washed up onto the shore like logs. We all kinda looked at each other realizing we were all approximately the same age (washed up). Not a word was said. We all just pulled our boards up the beach a bit, sat on them and watched the young guys do their thing. Never been back since. Aging sucks!

But, No worries! Now it's mountain biking in the appalachians, kayaking in the marshes along the coast with a camara, Thi Chi Chuan, a bit of Yoga and hiking. Never fully surrender!

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I know that's true and actually I'm doing pretty darn good for 54. This past Summer I rode my mountain bike about 3 times a week and kayaked any weekend I was able to. The average bike ride was about 3 to 4 hours and typically about 900 feet up a mountain. That hurricane surf just became way too much. Often you'd get within 10 to 15 feet of being beyond the breakers and next thing you know a wave would push you all the way back to the beach and you were starting all over again. Gruelling!

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

Kurt saw 44 somewhere during the first Clinton administration. I'm thinking they'll find his skinny white a$$ washed up on shore in about 30 years.

44 is the new 33!

Yeah. I'm hitting 53 next monday. Is 53 the new 44? Prickett, when I retire, I'm moving in next door so we can do nothing but mess w/each other. Lucky for you, at my current rate, I'll be able to retire in about 34 years......

On that note, my new kite is being delivered next week, as in kiteboarding. I figure I better step on the gas before it's too late.

Surf is a strange trip; it's the ultimate (for me) Zen activity. One has to work w/it, 'cause you sure aren't going to get anywhere working against it. There's patterns of ebb & flow that the wise waterman discerns and uses to their advantage. There's lessons in the impact zone that can be taken into the world.

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