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Illinois late fees for CEUs

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My first CEU renewal I did 16 non-mandatory CEUs, I was unaware that in Illinois 3 were mandatory. I was contacted by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation when I renewed. I have since taken the 3 required mandatory credits, but now they are late. Now the IDFPR has “offered me to pay $500 for the late credits” or request a trial. Have any of you dealt with this issue? Should I request a trial or just pay? What are my chances of having this fine reduced or dropped? $500 seems awfully steep for 3 credits.

Edited by Rte29
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We need 12, but 3 have to be state approved mandatory. I had 12 non mandatory ( I found out after the deadline) Since then I did a 4 hour mandatory class which put me at 16. But now the $500 is my late fee. Maybe you're right, but I only do inspections on the weekend part-time, and $500 for 3 late credits which I do have now, seems like something that can be waived.

Edited by Rte29
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Apparently the licensing board has found that you are practicing without a valid license. FYI: All 12 CEU's  need to be by an Illinois approved home inspection educator. Not just three. Unless you are on some some pro rated deal because you started late.

From what I have read, there is a hearing to determine the fine. I don't know if you're required to be at that hearing or allowed to. You should call someone from the IDFPR And get some clarification. You should also read everything in the Illinois licensing act. Starting with:

(225 ILCS 441/Art. 15 heading)

   (225 ILCS 441/15-5)

    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2022)
    Sec. 15-5. Unlicensed practice; civil penalty.
    (a) Any person who practices, offers to practice, attempts to practice, or holds himself or herself out to practice home inspection or as a home inspector without being licensed under this Act shall, in addition to any other penalty provided by law, pay a civil penalty to the Department in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for each violation of this Act as determined by the Department. The civil penalty shall be assessed by the Department after a hearing is held in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
    (b) The Department has the authority and power to investigate any unlicensed activity.
    (c) A civil penalty shall be paid within 60 days after the effective date of the order imposing the civil penalty. The Department may petition the circuit court for a judgment to enforce the collection of the penalty. Any civil penalties collected under this Act shall be made payable to the Department and deposited into the Home Inspector Administration Fund.
(Source: P.A. 97-226, eff. 7-28-11.)
Edited by Mike Lamb
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Here is what our requirements are : "An Illinois-licensed home inspector is required to complete 12 hours of state-approved Continuing Education that must be completed during each 2-year renewal cycle.  A minimum of 6 hours (3 for first renewal) of Continuing Education must be designated as mandatory courses". I do have a hearing in September coming up, but an IDFPR attorney has "offered" me a fine to settle for $500 to avoid the hearing. But as of now my license is valid pending the outcome.

Edited by Rte29
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