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Sellers Inspections Becoming More Popular


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Some sellers need a pu$h to clean up their houses. How many stories do we hear about knowledgeble buyers,with the help of a professional home inspector, requesting $izable reductions in price because of rea$onable(doable) repairs.

A properly prepared house will sell faster and close to its worth. There are several realtors in my area that use a presale inspection( by me). They will not advertise the fact because it gives them an advantage. Good for me-good for them- good for the seller-good for the buyer. Should keep people out of court.

There is a business that "stages" houses for sale. This is not good for the buyer. Too much cosmetic coverup. Competant inspectors usually can see thru this fluff.[:-banghea

Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles


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