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If you thought Code Inspections were difficult....

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I know a couple individuals that get approx. 3 times more for a Feng Shui consultation than what I get for a home inspection. I suppose it's fair; I'm talking about reality, & "they" are talking about something else. Reality is boring, & who wants to pay a lot for boring?

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I've only done a couple of home inspections alongside Feng Shui inspectors, and in both instances those folks received 10 times the attention and three times my fee.

But as near as I can tell, that's the beauty of the Feng Shui system. Plus, you don't need E&O. Just keep a couple extra swords and mirrors in the trunk of your vehicle and you can easily divert any bad energy you missed the first time around.

Not to totally discredit their art, because I'm convinced there's a lot to it, but suffice to say I've never laid eyes on a professional Feng Shui consultant outside the People's Republic of Cambridge, MA.

I'm All Fenged Up,


Does anyone know if the latest Professional Equipment catalog sells crystal evaluators?

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This is going to beat the heck out of those mold seminars. I can see the ad now: "Home inspectors be prepared for the future. Feng Shui training seminars are coming to your area. Municipalities will soon adopt new stricter codes based on feng shui. Triple your income, stop doing boring and dirty home inspections for peanuts. Earn real money and respect. If you want to stay on your Realtor's preferred inspector list, be sure you obtained your certificate in feng shui."

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Originally posted by a46geo

Be the first in your market area. Feng Shui [:-vamp]test kits $29.95

But wait![:D] There's more[:-bonc01] If you order now we will send you your report telepathically. Our end is up and running. Open your mind to receiving this helpful energy[:-hypnotized]

Make checks out to The Warganator

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IW 2005 is not being held at the Austin convention center, but at a new hotels convention center. This hotel is near the airport, I think it is a Hilton or Hyatt. Last I heard the hotel was in the last phase of completion and we will be the third or fourth conference to use it.

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I don't care if this is PC or not:

Here in the Heartland, we don't put up with none of that krap. [:-irked]

Take yer crystals, incense, and bad karma, and go back to kalifornia, before we send you out to detassle a field of corn, so you know what REAL work is, for a change... [:-grumpy]

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Originally posted by Scottpat


IW 2005 is not being held at the Austin convention center, but at a new hotels convention center. This hotel is near the airport, I think it is a Hilton or Hyatt. Last I heard the hotel was in the last phase of completion and we will be the third or fourth conference to use it.

icon_speech_oops.gifThen it is probably at the new Hilton which is still downtown near the convention center. The largest hotel in Austin with 800 guest rooms, it's supposed to be really something. It just opened and I haven't seen it yet. It should really be a great place to visit and it is still within a few blocks of 6th street and lots of downtown attractions.

Y'all come[:-jump2][:-party][:-propeller][:-sing]

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