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Marketing Dept in a Box


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Greetings fellow inspectors,

I've met a great couple near me who are passionate and good at marketing and have a "Marketing Department in a Box" package that I going to subscribe to. I'm great at inspecting but my technical writing is not what is going to get me business. I am hiring out my social media content to them - because that's what they do. The deal is that they will be supplying the social media posts and content for some web pages, I will be doing the posting, the email mail outs and other 'grunt' stuff that I have time for and the skill set to accomplish - this also means that I will able to see (and thereby control) any content before it goes out. When things get back to "normal", I will consider paying for everything... the social media posting, the emails and other marketing as well. This package/service has nothing to do with advertising or pay per click. 

Why am I telling you this?

Because they and I are part of a networking group, they have offered me a deal. If I can find 7 other independent inspectors in different geographic areas, we can each get the content package for $195/month. They will write somewhat different content for each company so that it is not copy an paste across the interweb, and of course tailor it to our individual companies, areas and service offerings. There is no set-up fee.  You'll get an initial set-up meeting and again every couple of months. I have never left a discussion with them and not felt like I had learned a tremendous amount.

They are Richard Bueckert and Melody Grant. Their company Railgun Marketing operates of Canmore, AB. I won't drop a link, You know how to Google. 

Feel free to reach out to me, or contact them directly for more information. I've got one other inspector in Alberta lined up so far but I think this has tremendous potential to get started now and be in full operation by the time we get to go out and do some more business! 

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