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Mold Inspectors Needed

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I work for a national mold testing company and we're looking for inspectors in certain areas across to the country to bring on board as sub contractors for when ever a job arises. We supply all the media, do the report writing and interpretations. All you would need to do is act as the boots on the ground and perform the visual assessment as well as take the samples. If this is something you're interested in, please do not hesitate to email brandon@moldtestcompany.com or call 803-741-6969

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for your question Les. 

Mold Busters has been operating since 2005 and we have locations across Canada, USA, Europe and Asia. 

Our services are focused on mold inspections, testing and removal. We have also developed ..........................

If you are looking to grow and learn, then consider joining Mold Busters team!

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Michael, insertion of another link was not what I expected from you.

I would suggest you tell us something about your company other than puffery.  If you want to advertise, then contact Mike Brown site administrator.  In the meantime, tell us something. 

Your audience here at TIJ is different than most inspector boards; they are typically well established knowledgeable inspectors that are difficult to bs.

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"Do you notice an earthy, damp or musty smell in the basement? What about condensation on your walls and windows? All of these are typical signs of a mold problem. As a property owner, you need to know that black mold spreads easily and presents a danger to your health. Ignoring it is not a safe or effective solution. Any suspicious area should be looked at by a trained and experienced mold inspector. He will be able to take a mold test on site to confirm the presence of mold."

I'd say this is where you're going to ruffle some feathers. Your company's website is linking condensation on windows to black mold and suggesting that testing needs to be done to verify that mold is in fact... mold. I think many here will take issue with using fear tactics to get homeowners to open their wallets. 

Edited by CNewhouse
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The issue, Bustmold, is not with the guidelines but with a prevailing sentiment among the members of this forum that mold inspectors take advantage of a consumer's fear of mold to get them to open their pocketbook and fork it over.  Comprendo?  Granted, I've not the manners of most members here, especially when that god-forsaken topic - MOLD - crops up, yet again.

What Charlie said.

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5 hours ago, bustmold said:

Not sure what is the problem to post relevant link for those looking to apply for mold inspector position with Mold Busters. I read your forum's guidelines and this post doesn't violate it in any way.

Read 'em again.  Pay attention to the wording in the sections labeled Advertising and Link Guidelines.

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  • 2 months later...

Mold testing = Total Bullshit.

Why not just point out the window and exclaim to the client, "Oh look, a polka-dotted hummingbird," and when they turn to look out the window pick their wallet out of their back pocket?

Nothing gets my knickers twisted faster than seeing home inspection companies that push "mold inspection' as a legitimate/ethical business practice.

Here is a given - EVERY home has one or more varieties of so-called toxic mold somewhere in the house - even if one can't see it. Is it because fungi has recently arrived and something has changed on the planet? No, not really - fungi in all of it's forms has been around longer than humans. It's true that the way we build today, with tighter homes, is more conducive to fungi growth than in the past, but that still does not legitimize a home inspector charging clients money for 'mold testing' because there is no need to test it - just clean it up. Is it necessary to hire a commercial firm to safely remove it? Probably not, unless you're allergic to fungi spore of any/all kinds, but, if you don't like dealing with funky smelling gunk that disgusts you, why not? Just don't think that it's absolutely necessary in all cases to hire a mold clean-up firm when you see a little mildew on a bathroom ceiling. Yeah, to get rid of a heavy infestation it's going to require cutting out and replacing drywall and cleaning wall cavities and such, but that still doesn't require any testing to identify fungi species.

For most of my career in this gig I told clients at the beginning of the inspection that if they were worried about mold being in a house they've chosen they might as well stay in the home they are already in, which I guaranty them will have fungi spore present already, because there is fungi spore in every domicile/structure occupied and used by man - even hospitals which are constantly cleaned. I tell them that if I should see it I'd point it out to them, but that if I didn't see or report any visible fungi to them that they should not assume that the home would be mold-free, because a fungi-free home is an impossibility. When they tell me they know that but are only concerned about 'toxic' mold, I tell 'em that the so-called 'toxic' fungi that the mold-is-gold mold-testing companies blather about has always been in homes, and that the degree of presence is a question of a locations environment and hygiene. Some regions have more of the so-called 'toxic' mold spore in the air than others; but, even in a region where there are low concentrations you can have a house where there's high concentrations of any kind of fungi - even when you can't see it - if the occupants don't regularly clean and ventilate a home, and conversely in regions where there is a high spore count outside a home can have low concentrations of any kind of fungi if the occupants regularly clean and ventilate the home.

Sometimes, I'll ask mold worrywarts if they have any living grandparents; and, if so, how old those grandparents are. When they tell me that grandma is 92 and still fiery as ever, I ask them how that's possible, because Granny has been inhabiting structures that have had present one or more varieties of so-called 'toxic-mold' fungi spore for her entire life. It's fun to watch the shadow of confusion lift from their eyes once they consider that statement and realize its implications.

Can fungi spore cause someone with a compromised immune system to get sick or become sicker if they are already sick? Yes, but people with a compromised immune system can be affected by lots of stuff that won't make a normal healthy person sick. For these people, even fungi spore in a quantity that's so small that it can't be seen can be 'toxic' to them - or not, if it's an allergy to a specific type of fungi and none of that type is present in that particular place. I once asked a noted scientist, who has been researching fungi for more than a quarter of a century, and whose PHD thesis was related to his fungi research, how much so-called 'toxic mold' spore in an average home it might take to cause a normal normal healthy human, who didn't have a proven allergy to fungi spore, to get sick.  He guessed, because nobody has ever determined what threshold of what fungi triggers reactions, that the normal healthy human might have to ingest about a wheelbarrow full of ordinary household fungi (which he said will most-probably also consist of stachi or other commonly-called 'toxic' fungi) to actually get sick.

A WHEELBARREL full. Imagine some mold-is-golder trying to snort or spoon-consume a bunch of fungi spore in order to prove that the stuff is in-fact toxic. Think about the size of that stuff. Even if you scraped the stuff off of every surface in a house badly infested with the stuff, it could take decades to accumulate that much fungi spore. Hell, why bother, the stuff is disgusting - most folks will puke from the smell, taste or thought of what they're putting into their bodies long before they reach a cup's worth and it won't be because they'll be suffering the effects of toxicity.

I never recommended mold 'testing' or charged anyone a dime extra over my regular inspection fee to make them aware that there was 'toxic mold' fungi present in a home I'd inspected - doing so would be like recommending that they get testing done to confirm the presence of air in the home and would be, in my opinion, just as unethical.



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