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Employment background criteria

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I have sent a resume to a local inspection firm and am being ignored.I beleive I have the experience and qualifications to be of value to this firm,but for some reason I can't get past the secretary/receptionist.Can some one in this form please tell me what you would look for as qualities and qualifications,in searching for a new employee?Please bare with me as this is my first time logged on the site.Thank You Rich(pole)[b)]

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Hi Rich,

Everyone here knows that I've yet to do an inspection, but I'm poised to go.

I have, however, had dozens of employees over the last 23 years. I know what I'm looking for in an applicant and it's not always just what they currently know or what they've done.

If you'd like to email me your resume', I'd be happy to look it over. I may have a few suggestions.

If you're really brave, post it and everyone'll have a go at ya.

One more thing Rich, Take a few minutes and fill out your profile, we want to know who you are. If you're quite unattractive feel free to post a pic of your wife or girlfriend.

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Everything Chad said.

I get about one resume a week from ITA graduates; I'll admit, I don't even answer.

Experience. Most applicants are looking for a job; I'm looking for someone willing to carry my ladder until I can assess their abilities. Most applicants are insulted w/ that. Too bad.

I tell applicants that phone in to send me a single spaced page of narrative on any topic they wish. Basically, Creative Writing 101. Not one applicant has sent me anything.

Inspecting is the easy part; reporting is the hard part. Can you write a report? And, I don't mean filling in the checkboxes & hieroglyphics of an ITA Matrix, or similar checkbox report system. I would almost guarantee that if you can communicate well in writing, you would have inspection companies calling you instead of the other way around.

I've spent my entire life trying to become an accomplished technical writer; someday I'm gonna get it.

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Rich...this is meant only as a serious reply to your question, not as a personal attack. Your post had some blatant spelling/grammatical errors, and perhaps if your resume was written the same way, this may have had some bearing on the silence you're hearing. A spell-check feature is encouraged if you didn't use on the resume.

Stress in your next resume WHY you would be of value....don't assume they'll figure that out based on your qualifications. Good luck!

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Hi Rich,

This is the slow time of the year for most areas of the country, I doubt that many multi inspector firms are looking to add inspectors during the slow season. Without knowing the area you are in, your experience/qualifications it is hard to say why you have not had a response.

Good luck and you might think about going solo as an inspector.

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Make sure that you include a cover letter with your resume. You are selling yourself. Just a resume is not enough. I get many resumes without cover letters and throw them right in the garbage.

I recently got a well written cover letter along with a well designed resume. The prospective employee did not have adequate experience but I was impressed enough to call her in for an interview because I felt she may have potential. I know it is more important in a architecture firm to have an impressive graphic presentation, but it can only help to make it look nice. I did not hire her because she wanted $25,000 more per year than she was worth.

You should also follow-up the resume and cover letter with a phone call. Connecting the personal contact with the written communication can help to impress a prospective employer as well.

I also agree that your timing is not great. Wait until spring and you may have better luck.

Good Luck!!

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