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Inspection Safety

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About a year ago I decided that reading a map and driving at the same time while hoping that I was going to arrive on time was crazy.

Once I enter the address, my GPS indicates the arrival time. Mine announces 1 mile in advance that I am to turn right or left and the road name. No more cutting off other drivers trying to make the turn as I whiz past the poorly marked road. No more driving around looking for roads named X on the right side of the intersection and Y on the opposing side.

Before the GPS I would have arrive stressed from the drive. Now I arrive calm and focused about the inspection ahead.

Another inspector said he could not justify the expense of a GPS. I can't imagine not having a GPS now.

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An inspector buddy tells of the time he was checking upstairs interior doors while the agent and buyer chatted in the kitchen on the first story.

He locked the doorknob and closed the door. He went to open the door and found the doorknob had been installed backwards and unlocked from outside the room. He was locked in the bedroom.

He thought about it and realized he could use his cell phone to call the agent. Instead he sat down and waited. He figured they would get bored eventually and come find out what he was doing. Sure enough, he heard them climbing the stairs and he called out to them he was in the bedroom. They entered the bedroom unaware they were freeing him. He was bent over checking outlets looking very busy as they entered. They were none the wiser and he got to take a paid break.

Always check the orientation of door knobs before you lock and close the door.

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Check with your dept of agriculture and see if they've had any cases of Hanta Virus in your neck of the woods.

OT - OF!!!


Thanks, Mike. I wear a respirator, but didn't know if exposure to poop and all else posed any other concerns. Also, I didn't want to get anything on my clothes that could harm Loki, the Wonder Dog.

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