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Was surfing web and came across NHIE web site exam section. Sample question was: AC low pressure and high pressure line should both be cold if operating properly? I have always found the large suction line cold and the small high pressure line hot if system is operating properly.

What say you HVAC people.


Paul Burrell

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Originally posted by paul burrell

Was surfing web and came across NHIE web site exam section. Sample question was: AC low pressure and high pressure line should both be cold if operating properly? I have always found the large suction line cold and the small high pressure line hot if system is operating properly.

What say you HVAC people.


Paul Burrell

As Terry said, one should be cold, the other warm.

However, I'm curious. Did the exam give "cold" and "cold" as the correct answer?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by Scottpat

Hi Paul,

Did you subscribe to take the sample exam or did you find a site that has it for free??

I would like to look at the question. What site did it come from.

No I did not subscribe for exam I was surfing and came across 5 sample questions. The exam is $200 and the practice exam is $50.

The web site is http://www.homeinspectionexam.org

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Originally posted by paul burrell

Originally posted by Scottpat

Hi Paul,

Did you subscribe to take the sample exam or did you find a site that has it for free??

I would like to look at the question. What site did it come from.

No I did not subscribe for exam I was surfing and came across 5 sample questions. The exam is $200 and the practice exam is $50.

The web site is http://www.homeinspectionexam.org

I searched the site and could not find them. Do you happen to know what part of the site they are on?



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Originally posted by charlie


Go to the link and click on "Exam Handbook" then click "HTML version of handbook available here" then click on "NHIE smaple questions"----looks like a typo to me.


Typos are not acceptable on a high-stakes exam.

I presume Scott will alert Noel about this soon?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Pardon my butting in, but maybe it would be better if Paul does that. There's already widespread belief among non-ASHI inspectors that the NHIE is nothing more than an ASHI-authored exam with different clothes, and that ASHI is behind everything that EBPHI does. So, having ASHI muckety-mucks calling Noel probably only helps to fuel that perception, no matter how innocent the reason. The system needs to be, and is, receptive to input from everyone, and non-ASHI folk need to believe that.

Just my opinion. Worth the price charged.



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Thank you Paul for finding this typo. As Jim said this is not acceptable and it will be corrected ASAP by the person that handles the EBPHI website. As I'm one of the EBPHI Directors I will see that this is taken care of. These six questions from what I have been told were made just for the website and did not undergo the stringent review process the other questions on the sample exam and NHIE undergo.

Yes, some still think that ASHI is controlling the NHIE but this is so far from being true. ASHI has been out of the picture for several years now. A good portion of the SME's (Subject Matter Experts) who help to write the exam questions do not belong to ASHI, many are independent,and many are sent by the states who use the exam for their state licensing exam.

ASHI saw the need for a national exam back in the late 1990's. ASHI also saw the need to have this exam a non association exam. This would allow it to be used by any licensing authority or home inspection organization as their exam without any fear or association bias. And to this date the NHIE is the only national home inspector exam that is not dependent to any association for it's survival. The NHIE is now in 18 states.

If anyone every has a question about the NHIE or any of the test questions, please contact the staff at EBPHI.


Fax : 847-705-3814

Email: info@homeinspectionexam.org

Scott Patterson

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There is no problem on this end as I surmised that the answer was a typo in the beginning. I just thought it would be something to get the forum to thinking and moving and it did. It also got the mistake corrected.

All is well that ends well.

Paul B.

PS: I made a mistake once about 35 years ago [:-graduat[^]

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Originally posted by hausdok

Well Now,

Then my apologies to both Scott and Jim K. I had no idea you were one of the EBPHI directors Scott.

OT - OF!!!


Hi Mike,

No problem at all. The EBPHI board is a stealth board, we work behind the curtains so to speak. I have been on the board for about two years now.

Jim has done allot of work on the NHIE over the years and we are very thankful for his help and expert knowledge.

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