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Oh boy! My life ain't worth a plug nickel!

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Okay Guys,

I'm writing this here just in case I disappear from the face of the earth tonight. This way, you guys will know what to tell the cops when they start looking around for someone with a motive to waste/disappear my mangy butt.

Thought I'd pitch in today and help my other half - the Korean Konnection - by cleaning her tropical fish tank. Everything was going great until I went to take them out of the small tank and put them back in the big tank. Guess what? Not sure how I did it, but I managed to kill her oldest, largest and absolute most favorite fish on the planet.[:-weepn]

Man, this is like a bad episode of Friends. I gotta get out of here and see if I can't find a pet store that's got one of that species that large before she finds out. Otherwise, some hiker is gonna find my bleached bones out in the woods someplace.[:-wiltel]

Gotta go. Also have to find a really, really good place to hide the Glock.[:-scared]

Talk to you guys later.



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Oh mike. MIKE, you there? Is that a chalk outline on the floor? [xx(]

When the girl that became my wife moved in w/me 20 years ago, I had 8 filled aquariums. The fish quickly died off one at a time. Over a decade later she admitted to "accidentally" spilling cleaning fluids in the tanks regularly. I've had to smell my beverages before drinking them ever since.

I thought I got even when we bought this home three years ago. It came with a pond and 100 fish. I recently heard her say that a patio would be nice where the pond is. [:-bigeyes

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Originally posted by inspecthistoric

Over a decade later she admitted to "accidentally" spilling cleaning fluids in the tanks regularly. I've had to smell my beverages before drinking them ever since.

That doesn't sound good Bill. You may only be a Peg Bundy insurance policy away from an accident. Beware signing a stack of papers without seeing all of them. [:-sick] [;)]

Brian G.

Anyone Know the Poison Hotline Number? [:-sour]


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Well, I'm still here and, thankfully, I still have all my plumbing. Last night was pretty rough though. I had no idea that those damned things couldn't be bought in larger sizes. Absolutely nobody had one that size. It wouldn't have worked anyway. By the time I got home from searching, she'd gotten home from her friend's house and had discovered the missing fish.

It got pretty loud around here last night and it wasn't me. I half expected the neighbors to call the cops. I'm sorta in the dog house. Not sure how long this will last. Oh, and I am sleeping with one eye open for the foreseeable future.

OT - OF!!!


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There are strange things done by the Korean one

When her fishes come up missing.

Those tales tall told of the shoulder cold

and of her voice like a serpent hissing.

She makes grown men shiver; like jelley, quiver

and look for a place to hide.

And pray that they will come away

intact with all their hide.

two hundred pound boy, searching for koi

running his shoe soles bare.

deed incomplete, doleful defeat

beware, beware, beware

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