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John Dirks Jr

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Hi everyone,

Somewhere, somehow I fell off the Inspectors Journal bus.  I don't really have an explanation that would matter much.  I only know it's my new intention in 2018 to get involved in discussion here again.

I hope you all are well and continue safely and prosper in both business and personal life.

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TIJ has lost lots of expertise this past year and I've joined the Inspector Brotherhood, found some other TIJ members there too, but TIJ will forever be my favorite.  It still has more expertise, has more answers, than any other site I've ever been to.  When the questions get tough, head for TIJ.

Edited by Marc
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2 hours ago, mgbinspect said:

I too, John, am very guilty of getting entirely too busy to return to TIJ as much as I'd like to . I hope to return here more myself. So, you're not alone at all.

Best wishes for a safe, productive and profitable 2018.


Been a long time Michael.  Good to hear from you.

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I joined coupe of the Facebook pages and tried to participate now and then.  Found out I was not worthy of the respect I seem to get here!  One of two of the newer inspectors thought it would be "funny" to question most responses, so I quit responding.  "Never do business with a snake" come to mind.


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I just had a small dosage of that just now.  We get that here too sometimes, especially on challenging topics.  I try to cool things off because there's also discussion and that is good.

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As much as I'd like to participate in some Facebook groups, I find that Facebook just rubs my fur the wrong way. After more than a few minutes, I've got to close it and go breathe some fresh air. 

I'd love to hear more from John & Michael, but it's not going to happen on Facebook. . . 


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17 years ago, it was my second choice after Inspection News.  Didn't take long to make it my first choice.   Much friendlier and respectful.

So many know it all people on the face book groups.  I tend to use Facebook for my personal stuff with family and friends.


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On 1/4/2018 at 11:47 AM, John Kogel said:

Hey John, bring us up to date on your backyard projects. Surviving the winter?

I did spend some time in the garage this past summer.  If you like to read excessively, you can delve into my progress thread on rescuing a 93 Mustang from the total hack jobs of previous owners.  There's a a bunch of pics and a few vids too.   >>  https://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/threads/out-with-the-new-in-with-the-old.899295/

I see the discussion here on the dislike of Facebook.  To make a long story short, I completely deleted my Facebook.  The people who matter can find me if they want.  Too much garbage for me in the social media.

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