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Dun, kaput, washed up

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As of 10-15 I'm out of the gig. I'll be 65 in April. Big insurance check due on that date so I just made it cover tail insurance. Yes, I'm in pretty good health, but I don't want to wait till that changes which is obviously coming up in the next 10 years or so.

I must say that this forum has been the best teaching aid I have seen in my entire life. I started with the CREIA one since I live in CA, but the arrogance of the main contributors sent me searching. 

You all have been fantastic

It's been the best job I have ever had. My clients are nice because they want me to find all the bad points and think that I am on their side, which is 100% true. I get paid by the end of my time at the inspection and always got the report out within 24 hours, especially with your help. The home owners are nice because they want me to take it easy on their house. And the Realtors that hate my guts are oh so sweet at an inspection. Of course you all know this.

Our local newspaper has a readers choice award deal each year for best this, that, and the other thing. I won that for HI the last two years. Must have pissed off a lot of Realtors. I though they would have figured out a way to shut me out this last year. ha

Offer still goes, if you are ever in my neighborhood (Eureka CA) and want to go rafting, mtn biking, kayaking, look me up.



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Great photos!  Enjoy your new adventure.  Remember, you will still look around every restaurant and bar you go to and all your friends will still call with questions.

You are leaving some good stuff with us via your contributions!


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  • 2 weeks later...

My phone has been screwed up for over a week now. And the internet has been messed up by the fires.

But, not that big a deal when you're not running a business off it. 



This was last Saturday on the South Fork of the American River just east of Sacramento. My 29yr old son's boat. We did 21 miles in 5.5hrs. I got chucked out once and he got chucked out once. We had a blast.

Edited by Denray
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4 hours ago, Denray said:

My phone has been screwed up for over a week now. And the internet has been messed up by the fires.

But, not that big a deal when you're not running a business off it. 



This was last Saturday on the South Fork of the American River just east of Sacramento. My 29yr old son's boat. We did 21 miles in 5.5hrs. I got chucked out once and he got chucked out once. We had a blast.

Golly, that sounds like so much fun, it almost hurts.

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